"I will." She sniffled, trying to contain her emotions. She pulled back and stepped back from the van and to her trunk. "I love you, Uncle Finn."

"I love you too, little lassie." His vivd green eyes sparkled at the girls, he jumped back into his van and with one last wave he took off. 

The two girls shared a momentary sad look but quickly perked up at Arwen's soft 'hoot' and headed into the train station.

Alastriona and Darcy, in a way, were lucky they had to leave so early as they were able to easily go through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4 without being worried about being seen by any Muggles. 

"Huh..." Alastriona glanced around at the nearly deserted station, she and Darcy dropped off their trunks before jumping onto the train. "Oooh, we can pick any compartment!"

The girls grinned at each other, Darcy immediately started considering the options, "If we sit near one of the entrances the others may be able to find us easily or maybe they'll struggle to find us because we typically sit towards the end of the train..." She pondered aloud. 

They kept wondering through the carriages until they came to the final carriage, they picked the biggest compartment and Alastriona let Arwen out of her cage and the beautiful barn owl perched up hight next to her cage on the shelf.

Alastriona flopped down on the seat, Darcy took the other side, Alastriona glanced at Darcy and at the same they both said, "Nap?"

Alastriona flopped down on the seat, Darcy took the other side, Alastriona glanced at Darcy and at the same they both said, "Nap?"

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Draco Malfoy came to a standstill in between compartments in the last train carriage.
He had just left Crabbe and Goyle and now stood with Blaise and Theo. Draco figured this was a spot where they could openly talk. 

"My parents told me you left your house." Draco said quietly. 

Theo nodded and leaned against the wall behind him, "Adelaide practically demanded it after she saw what my father was really like." His voice was strong but his eyes showed the sadness within. 

Draco shook his head, "I couldn't stand with you lot at the service and the wake..." He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry." 

It wasn't very often anyone received a genuine apology from Draco, both Blaise and Theo were shocked but Theo recovered quickly. "You couldn't, mate, not with Dawn, Alastriona and Darcy there, they would've asked questions."

Draco clenched his hands by his sides, "It would've been worth it. I would've been able to stand with you."

Theo rolled his eyes. "I'm glad you didn't, there was enough drama that day as it was." 

There was silence as they recalled the afternoon. 

Draco ran a hand down his face. "It won't happen again, Theo, next time I'll be by your side with the others as well, regardless of who's watching." He swore.

Blaise sighed heavily, he and Theo had been talking about this for a while and while now may not be the best time, it was the right opportunity. "We know how you feel about Alastriona—"

"Yeah, it's very obvious—" Theo interrupted. 

"The point is," Blaise gave Theo a stern look, "we're... concerned." Draco went to interrupt but Blaise held up his hand to stop him, "You can't even say hi to Alastriona in front of Lucius and Narcissa. Alastriona is our best friend, and even though we know she'd hate us saying this, she deserves better than to have to be ignored by you whenever your parents are around." 

Theo nodded and began talking before Draco could respond, "Your parents will never accept Alastriona because she's a half blood, and they'd probably kick you out if they found out you were friends with Darcy."

"I know!" Draco groaned, "I know, but I don't care— I mean, I care about Alastriona and Darcy, of course. But I- I'm starting to not care about what my parents think." His voice was low now, "I don't want to hurt her- I won't hurt her." He met Theo's solemn gaze, "You left your home because of the kind of man your father is and because he could never accept our friends. My parents will never accept any of them, that's fact, but at this point I don't care. They can take me out of Hogwarts and send me to Durmstrang, or kick me out and disown me, I won't make Alastriona hide in the dark." 

Theo shook his head, "Your parents—"

"Can't control me forever." Draco said. He breathed in heavily and turned around, walking away. Theo and Blaise glanced at each other before following him.

None were aware of the compartment door behind them closing shut, the Golden Trio sitting in shocked silence.

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