~ The Start of a New Adventure ~

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~•Time skip - Morning - 7:30am•~

•~Y/n POV~•

I had woken up to my alarm going off, I had turned off the alarm and tried to get out of bed, but some sort of weight was on me. I looked at where the weight was coming from and I stared in utter shock as I was staring at a..

 . . .


I looked at the weight once again just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. I rubbed my eyes staring down at what looked to be a sleeping ash blonde male that from the looks of it he was around my age. I moved him gently not wanting to wake him in case he tried to hurt me, I got up quietly and grabbed some normal clothes so I didn't seem like some kidnapper when he woke up. I ran as soft as I could to my bathroom and dressed in a black turtle neck and tight blue jeans. I brushed my hair and put on some make-up to look somewhat not-tired(?). I looked at my window in my shower as if instinctively and looked down to see four children sleeping in my bathtub. "What the f-" I whispered but didn't finish my sentence as I recognized the four children to be Sayu, Klee, Qiqi, and Diona. My jaw dropped and I almost fainted but I ran out my bathroom to calm down.

•~Third person POV~•

Y/n ran out of her bathroom as quietly as possible hoping that none of the video game characters were to wake up while she was running to her bedroom. Y/n opened her bedroom door and slammed it, forgetting that there was another sleeping character in her room. The h/c haired girl slid down her door and put her head on her knees before she heard someone clear their throat in a threatening way. 

Y/n looked up fearfully and her eyes widened once again as she saw a familiar hair color that was a soft black fading into a beautiful greenish blue shade, she nearly screamed from fear as he had been holding up his jade spear as if he were ready to kill Y/n on the spot. Y/n made her way from leaning against her door into the corner of her room as she was slightly frightened since she had seen how the Yaksha fought in-game. To be honest Y/n was shaking slightly and of course the Yaksha decided she wasn't a threat due to her shaking just at the sight of his spear.

"Who are you, and why are my.. friend and I ..here?" The male said while he let go of his spear and it went to his back, fading after a few seconds of silence.

Y/n spoke shakily while trying to look at the Yaksha "I-I'm Y/n L-L/n..." She looked down as if the male was still threatening her. 

To say the least Xiao, the 'Heartless' Yaksha felt a bit guilty so he walked slowly towards Y/n and spoke softly "I apologize for threatening you, in an unfamiliar environment I tend to get defensive.." He looked away a bit embarrassed at the fact that he just apologized.

Y/n looked up only to feel her face heat up since Xiao's face was only a few inches away. She hugged the male shyly, while hugging she didn't really want to let go but she did anyway as she felt Xiao tense up when she wrapped her arms around him. Xiao held the girl close as he hasn't felt any sort of affection in over 2,000 years, he hugged Y/n back but let go awkwardly. 

"I-I'm sorry..!" Y/n whisper-yelled in panic, thinking that she made the male uncomfortable.

Xiao dismissed her apologies timidly as he thought of it as 'normal' for the girl to hug to calm herself down.

~•Time skip - Noon - 1:00pm•~

After a few hours everyone had woken up and were all gathered in Y/n's living room.

~•Story details~

The characters that had appeared so far were: M = Mondstat L = Liyue I = Inazuma S = Snezhnaya

S- Childe

~•Back to story~

Y/n and the male she had met earlier were looking at the four children calmly playing with each other, Xiao stepped away from Y/n and had helped the pretty ash blonde up. As soon as Y/n saw the blue eyed male's face she quickly recognized him as Albedo, aka the male who she had woken up seeing laying on her. Y/n's eyes practically turned into large hearts. 

Albedo had looked at Xiao and thanked him for helping him up. The two boys had known each other since Albedo fell asleep while painting his first visit to the Wangshu Inn and Xiao had seen him and woke him up, but not before defeating the hilichurls surrounding the sleeping Albedo. It was quite the awkward meeting but they got along nicely and Albedo even made Xiao some Almond Tofu after he had learned that it was one of the Yaksha's only favored dishes. 

Xiao looked at the harbinger with bitter eyes before grabbing the four kids and taking them to a safer distance from the 'ginger roach' (as Y/n called him). Childe.. The Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers, was in Y/n's living room and Y/n was borderline fan-girling over him, even though he had betrayed travelers' trust and trying to kill them over something they didn't do. Childe of course, picked up on Y/n's silent fan-girling and went over to her slowly as if to be the center of attention, that was until... he saw an arm stopping him.. an arm with a, white lab coat..? 

Childe had looked at the person's face and saw it was Albedo stopping him. "You can stay there, 5 feet from Y/n and the children at all times, Ginger.." Albedo had said with venom lacing his voice, and not forgetting to make it sound as threatening as possible.

The red headed harbinger playfully held up his hands in defeat, while of course looking Albedo in his eyes giving off a very different aura than the others could see. "Alright, Alright. I'll stay away or whatever you want Mr.Alchemist" Childe said calmly and innocently, despite saying Albedo's 'nickname' (if you could even call it that) with slight anger

Y/n had snapped out of her simping fantasies and noticed the tension in the room, her eyes went straight to Albedo and Xiao with a little panic since Childe was there and kind of tried to destroy all of Liyue harbor, it made sense to see the two hate the Fatui member. Long story short, Y/n explained all of what happened and where she knows them from, while of course introducing herself so the Genshin characters wouldn't freak out on how they were teleported to a different dimension completely and are now stuck with a female they (at the time) knew nothing about.

The males and children were in shock and Y/n looked at them sadly but gave a fake smile before saying "Although you all just got here we should find a way to get you all back to Teyvat.." she looked at the characters she had dreamed of meeting. "I guess in the meantime we should get you all some new clothes and something to hold your visions.. they aren't exactly a thing in this world so you might get weird stares if you have them out."

~•Chapter End~

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! I worked really hard on this one and I hope that you guys liked this one!! Please give suggestions on what you all want for the bonding of Y/n with each character, and yes I will be doing ships in this story. I will probably do ships later on in this book and just so y'all know, I will not be doing any Aether x Paimon or some sh*t also yes that was only an example and no I do not know if it is a real ship, but I really hope not- Just please for the love of Barbatos and Morax do not ask for troll ships, thank you!! Remember to eat some yummy food and drink lots of water!! So please have a good Day/Afternoon/Evening!!! I love all my tiny carrots ;D 


Word count ~ 1387

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