I nod. "So, it was definitely him?"

He hums. "By my standards, yes. It's at least enough for a trial, but the police won't even look in his direction." He points at me and smiles. "So, now you get to take him in and bring him to SHIELD."

I give him a half smirk. "I won't stab him, but can I at least kick his ass?"

He laughs loudly. "Not too harshly, but I think he deserves a good ass kicking at the bare minimum."

I smile big and bend down to hug him. "Thank you!"

I pull away and speak out loud. "JARVIS, where's Sam?"


"Now, why the hell am I the one doing this with you?"

I scoff out a laugh. "Because we needed to bond. Now give me your arm and shut up before you make this obvious."

He grunts and folds his arm out so I can wrap mine in it. "You have a weapon on you. I don't feel safe."

I stop walking and squint at him. "Did you murder a bunch of women?"


"Then quit your bitching. I'm not going to hurt you."

He huffs. "Fine. Let's go." He yanks me by my arm towards the door which causes me to laugh.

Rhodey, Nat, and Wanda are all on the roof incase something bad happens. Per usual, we all have ear pieces in and can talk at any time.

Once we're in the door, I look to Sam. "Alright, stick together or split up and we both look?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, you're the one who always does this!"

I roll my eyes. "First of all, the million times I've done it, I was alone. The only few times I've done it with Bucky, we split up."

He nods. "Okay, if we split up, what do I do?"

I slap my hand to my forehead. "Alright. New plan. Go get a beer and keep an eye on me. I'll find him."

He nods and salutes me. "Hit the ear piece if you need me. I'll come runnin'."

We both split up and go our separate ways. I had to spice up my look a little since the Avengers have introduced me as one of them and I might get recognized, so I added long eyelash strips, heavy makeup, and a long, brown wig. I honestly could've just done the eyelashes, man, those things are badass. I looked like a different person just with those on.

I finally find Boswick, but he's surrounded by a bunch of people. Of course he is, this is his event. This is going to be harder than usual, but nothing above my pay grade.

I watch him for a few minutes before I see him excuse himself and walk over to the bar. I make my way over and stand right next to him, leaning over the bar a little to put my cleavage on display. The bartender walks up to me and I order. "Vodka redbull, if you've got it."

Mark's head turns towards me. "Would've taken you more for a wine person." I slowly turn my head towards him and watch as his eyes rake over me. "You here with anyone?"

Men are so easy, my job could be done by an idiot and it still wouldn't be difficult. "Nope. All alone."

He nods. "I find it surprising a woman who looks like you isn't tied down."

Heave. I shrug. "I find it better to be alone. My only family died when I was young, so I've stayed alone ever since. No boyfriend, no husband, no friends." I give him a smirk as the bartender slides me my glass. "A lot easier to live this way."

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