Chapter 6.1 : Mid-term Examination

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Let us being with this one now

May first came and went like a storm. Before we knew the school weeks were over. And most of the students from my year, were stressed about the upcoming mid-term examinations. I have seen some groups study during the lunch.

It's been a week since the class ranking were announced, after that there was abnormal change in the behaviour of other classes especially in students of current class D and E. This change in behaviour was triggered by the unfold of complicated 'S-system', while alot of students came to this school due to there own temptation of opportunity for bright future which the school promises.

While many were aware that this school will be alot different and difficult than others but it looks, the first month had them at ease and they didn't thought that they would be put into such chaos right after the first month of there high school.

While the rankings of all class should have been same for this time if only my special class wasn't present.

With the classes going on a usual, I took few glances at my classmates while there isn't any change in there usual behaviour there all calm like before, if I have to guess why it is the way it is then this would be partially because the of the fact that bad class discipline would be treated with negative class points but on the other hands the gain of Class points form the class behaviour would be almost no existing if any. And the only ways to gain are through extra curricular activities, examination and special exams.

While looking out of the window my eyes soon become dozing and I wanted to take a nap before lunch break but I guess it will not be possible for me as for now atleast or until I can change my into some other class.

The bell rang indicating the start of lunch break, following that Nakano san approached me with her bright smile and cheerful nature

"Ayanokōji senpai are your free for lunch? Do you want to eat together?"

With her sudden invitation I felt something off, this is probably the first time any girl had asked me out for lunch.

"Do you want to discuss something?"

I asked for her motive cause I felt it was odd especially for her part. We didn't talked much during the last months the only exchange where greetings and discussion.

"No no no nothing like that I just want to try to know you a little like friends I guess"

For all she denied for any alternative motive rather than some casual chats like 'friends'.

I got up my seat and she quickly ran to her bag and took out something which looks like a bento for two people. Looks like she has thought for this even before this makes me more uneasy. As I left the classroom I felt like a pair of eyes pained at my back.

As we walk towards the cafeteria engulfed in silence. We went past the hallways of other classes. While walking I took few peek in the class E from the window where could see the students in the class gathering around a boy named Hirata Yōsuke. Possibly trying to get his aid in studies for upcoming examination.From his frown it is clear he can't possibly help so many students even if he wants to. Class C was having a similar discussion from what I could hear cause the windows were shut.

We reached the cafeteria quite before others have arrived and there was plenty of space available to chose. Since Nakano had bought home-cooked food for us, we didn't had to wait to pick the lunch box.

We decide to sat near a window with sufficient sunshine and a good view of vibrant flowers in the garden outside of cafeteria.

Nakano opened her bento and the smell of food stimulated my nostrils it had some grilled fish, boiled egg, vegetables, and rice shaped in a cat.
It look and taste decent.

"Do you like it Ayanokōji senpai?"

"Yeah I guess, you had to wake up a little early to prepare all this?"

"Well it wasn't that early I had to just boil and grill them"

"It is good though" If it was her part she may had tried making her food for the first time in her life.

"I had made a baton first time today, glad you liked it." Huh then It was her first time.

"Ayanokōji senpai, what do you think of this school?" A question out of blue?

"Hmm.. the school, it certainly is different in many sense and that what makes it special." There could be alot of things to be said about this school but I guess these words sums them up.

"As till now I have to say the school has putting alot of thoughts to create something which could support the declining Japanese society. The moto of school is create leader for upcoming future. I don't think there is any fault in the school system but there is something just not right-wing what the school tends to claim to us."

"I am with you senpai, I feel the same about it" If what they claims is true then this contradicts there actions up till now.

"Yeah, I guess we'll know as we move forward"

"Well Ayanokōji senpai do you think we would require a sum of private points before the survival exams."

For now we had a around 100,000? private points at our disposal distributated among us. Since the school rules revolve around private points it would be good to have a large sum of them present at hand if any unrequited situation arises.

"As of for now, I doubt we would need a large sum of private points in the early months of high-school but it would be a good idea to be prepared in long runs."

"Then I have a plan to earn some but it will require your support too senpai"

"I don't know what your thinking about but don't accept any kind of labour than I already did"

"Senpai you can't just take yourself off while we all do the work. This is our class" She tried to mimic the death glare with her puppy eyes but it looks cute more than horrific.

"Fufufufu" She started to laughing at her behaviour.

Her giggle stopped as I felt someone approaching from behind. As I turned around I saw Class E Kushida Kikyō approaching us.

"Good Morning Nakano san, Good morning Ayanokōji san"

"Ayanokōji senpai can you excuse us we have somethings to talk about?"
Assuming it was some 'girl only' talk, I took my leave from there without a word.

On my way to exist from the cafeteria I saw an interesting pair Horikita and Saiki from class 1-E having lunch together.

It seems like horikita had made some friends if what my eyes see is true. But this thought didn't fit with her self centered attitude, and there isn't any change in her still expression.

I guess people change fast than I have imagined them to be.

Yoo readers

No! This is not a full length chapter.

Well I don't except much from myself any more regarding this story. If I would have any time I may write some small parts of it in future. Like I have wrote this small part in like 6 months or something. That is the chapter release will be slow and short but I may not be end this still yet.

Word count- 1300

Did I disappoint you all? Yeah I may have.

If you are reading this after along wait well I am sorry for my lazy behavior but yes I got alot of things to look after.

Also Cote has season 2 on air
woo-hoo! How is your opinion on it.

I hope you all are doing great and will have a ptosperous future.

Thank you for sticking with my absured story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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