CH.2 Midtown High School

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I wake up and brush my teeth. Shit, it's fucking 7:30 a.m!!!!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!! I get in the shower and wash up quickly. I get dressed then I fell to the ground trying to put on my jeans.
Mary Jane:"FUCK!!"
Aunt Anna:"MJ you alright?"She yells from downstairs.
Gayle and Valerie get in the truck. Then my other cousin, Danielle gets in the front. Of course. I ran in the truck, in the back with Gayle and Valerie. Aunt Anna drives off like a bat out of hell.
Anna:"You girls should've set your alarm clocks."
She looks at Danielle.
Danielle:"Don't look at me."
Anna:"You're the only one with a alarm clock."
Danielle:"*Sighs irratatedly*Whatever."She said as she was texting.
Danielle wasn't like me. Yeah she flirted, but she was is more girly girl.
Danielle:"So, MJ you gonna still some guys heart in New York?"
Danielle had blond hair and blue eyes. She was tall and beautiful, like me. Anna had adopted her when she was 4 years old.
MJ:"Not what I had in mind Dani." I said with a laugh.
We finally got to Valerie school.
Valerie:"I'll help her around, mommy. Don't worry."
Anna:"Thank you sweetheart. Have fun at school ok. Love you."
Valerie & Gayle:"Love you too."
They're lucky school starts at 8:30 for them, I thought.
Danielle:"I would tell you about this one guy name Flash Thompson. He's so fucking hot."
Anna looked at her with this 'wtf is wrong with you' look and I started laughing so hard at her expression.
MJ:"What about him?"
Danielle:"WHAT ABOUT HIM!! He's hottest guy at our school. He's on the basketball team and every single girl wants him."
I tried so hard no to laugh. But I did.
Anna:"God bless you."She said with a laugh.
Danielle:"God bless him."
Anna rolled her eyes and had this digusting look on her face. I was laughing the entire time.
Anna:"We're here."
She pulled over by the sidewalk.
Anna:"Have fun girls."
Danielle:"We will."
She drove off and we started walking.
Danielle:"You gotta go to the office and get your schedule."
We walked to the office and a lot of people could not stop staring at me. Literally.
Danielle:"People have staring problems here so you'll probably get used to it."
I chuckled.
Mrs.Frieda:"Yes sweetheart?"
Danielle:"We have a new student right here name Mary Jane Watson and also my cousin."
I smile at her.
Mrs.Frieda:"From Los Angeles, California."She said as she looks at the computer.
Mrs.Frieda:"No wonder you're so beautiful.There are a lot of beautiful girls in California."
I blushed a little. I get those compliments A LOT.
Mrs.Frieda:"I'm also your councler."She said as she hand me the schedule.
MJ:"Ok. Thank you." I said walking to the door.
Mrs.Frieda:"You're welcome. Enjoy your first day."
Danielle:"You're fucking lucky to have her as your councler. I have that fat, stupid bitch Mrs.Lal who eats like a fucking pig."
MJ:"That's kind of fucked up."I said with a laugh.
Danielle:"But it's true."
We walk to the lockers.
Danielle:"Your locker is right here. And my locker is on the other side. See ya later."
I opened up my hitting the shit out of it. That always work, I thought.
Then, this guy with blonde hair and brown eyes walk up to me with a group of people.
Flash:"You must be Mary Jane Watson."He said as he grab my hand and kiss it.
Let me guess...Flash Thompson. Does the word of a new student go around the school THAT quick? Fucking Danielle.
MJ:"And you must be Flash Thompson." I said as I pull away my hand.
The boys behind him laugh.
Flash:"Welcome to Midtown High School where shit gets started at." He said with a big smile.
MJ:"Obviously, I need to go. Excuse me."
Flash:"Playing hard to get, beautiful."
He started following me.
MJ:"Not playing hard to get, just don't have time." I said teasing him and swaying my hips. I knew he was looking.
Flash:"You know me and you can-"He
said as he got close to my face.
MJ:"Do nothing."
I walked off and laughed how idiotic he looked trying to get with me. Pleeaassee! Like I have time for desperate boys like him. I honestly can't believe Dani wants a little boy like him.
I went to my first period and sat down. Everybody was still staring at me. Then, a boy came in with disheveled, brown hair and brown eyes. He looked like a hipster. He wasn't bad looking at all. As a matter of fact...he looked fine as fuck. Whoa Mary Jane, calm down, I thought. But he looked familiar, so familiar. I furrowed my eyebrows and still looked at him. No not looking, staring. Then his brown eyes caught mine. I looked away quickly.
Mr.Brown:"Mr.Parker, you're late."

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