Pains of the Past

Start from the beginning

"I...I want to speak with Joe."

The room was silent for a moment. Until Ella asked,


Leeza took a deep breath. "I need closure. And I believe...I believe he does to."

Ella put her hand on Leeza's knee, patting her reassuringly. "That's very very brave of you Leeza."

Tears came to Leeza's eyes as she looked away.

"This isn't going to be easy, I know you know that. But if it's what's going to give you the closure you deserve, then I say, so what's best for you," Ella told her.

"My parents won't like it...if they find out," Leeza said through deep breaths.

"I won't tell them anything. I want you to be happy, and live the rest of your life, free of the burdens of the past," Ella replied.

"I want him to have that to," she said quietly looking down.

"There's no shame in forgiveness, Leeza. And if you're not ready, then that's okay as well. Just know, you'll always have a friend in your corner," Ella responded with a kind smile.

Leeza smiled back and nodded. "Thank you Els. I really appreciate it. I should get going, my parents are still worried about me."

"Yeah of course. Come back any time. We should catch up!" Ella said standing up and walking her out towards the door.

"I will. Because we're the best gal pals right?" She asked.

Ella smiled with the nostalgia from their past. "Always."

She watched Leeza walk down the steps on back off to her house, in the evening dusk, before turning away and closing the door.

She sighed happily. "Just as much bad, there is good," she told Pebbles, who watched her curiously.

She went to fix herself diner, which consisted of a pack of noodles and nothing else when she heard another knock at her door.

This time, it was the Sheriff, holding a paper bag and smiling at her. "Diner?"


Ella gasped out in pain, feeling her mouth begin to burn, as she rushed for her fridge and downed some milk, soothing the pain.

Meanwhile, Hassan sat in his chair, clutching his sides with laughter.

Ella looked back at him, milk dripping down her chin and laughed along with him. They were sitting at the table in her house, eating a dish called Laal Maas, he had prepared for them. Though he didn't warn her it was going to be that spicy.

"A little warning would've been nice you know?" She said sitting back down at the table. "After the heat though, it's actually really good."

He nodded. "I'm glad you enjoy it. Ali, actually helped me make it. He wanted to say thank you."

"Thank me? I should be thanking him! He looked after this rascal by himself after all," Ella said nodding towards Pebbles, who was sitting on a bookshelf debating whether or not, knocking all the books of her shelf would be worth it.

"He really appreciated that you trusted him. I do to. Also, I wanted to apologize to you for coming with me on that trip to the uppards. I should've been more careful, I feel awful that you're hurt now because of it," he sighed.

"Hey sheriff it's not your fault. I also thought we were dealing with some sort of wolf or something. But I'll be honest...that doesn't seem like anything I've ever seen before," Ella replied.

He shook his head. "Me neither. I'll try to talk the mayor into getting a professional from the mainland to take a look. But he can be pretty stubborn."

"Yeah he can be. Either case, I'm just glad I'm the only one who's been hurt by it. Hopefully it won't hurt anyone else till someone arrives," she replied.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while while they finished their food.

"Alright, that was amazing. Send my complements to the chef," Ella said cheekily, standing up and placing the plates in the sink.

Hassan came up behind her and leaned back against the counter, a grin on his face. "Thank you very much, I know."

Ella looked up at him playfully, "oh I meant the real cook. Ali."

He smiled and looked away. "I'm proud of that kid."

"Mm as you should be," Ella agreed, running the sink.

"I just...I want to see him grow up with a good life...and not be embarrassed that I'm his dad," he sighed sadly.

"Please, how could he? His dad is the big tough protected of Crocket. And he does a mighty fine job of it," Ella said with a wink.

"I hope so," he said looking out the window.

"I know so," Ella replied.

Hassan helped clean up and then went on his way, Ella thanking him again.

She walked back to her room and fell back into her bed again. Somehow a day she slept away ended up being more eventful then she thought it would be.

She dozed off once again, to the sweet image of Father Paul, letting the tugs of slumber pull her down.

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