Future concerns

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After they finished brunch, Paul went to get dressed properly. Then he decided to take Alison out to do some sightseeing and shopping in central London. To pass a few hours in, before taking her to his restaurant that evening to meet with Harvey

Alison had found it all a little overwhelming, she thought Dublin could be crowded and busy, but it was even more so in London. It was crazy.

She was glad that she had Paul with her, and held tightly on to his hand. Being a native of London he knew exactly where to take her, and how to get there.

She was suddenly thankful that she was managing to be financially independent. Between her own savings and the money her grandparents had left her which she had lifted out of the bank in Dublin before leaving, she had been able to have more than enough to do her over the next few weeks.

She didn’t want Paul to have to pay for anything for her, when she could afford to look after herself, and now at least had a good excuse to dip into her money.

She was spoilt for choice with clothes and jewellery shops as well as shoe shops and also looking for souvenirs for her friends back home.

She thought Paul was being very sweet and patient with her whilst she browsed through the many stores, fascinated with everything around her. Especially as they were in very public places meaning he had to go around wearing dark glasses and a baseball cap, in the hope no one would recognise or bother them.

There were a few occasions though, were she had seen someone do a double take, as they walked by them, Then there was a crowd of young girls standing at the corner outside a shop who started whispering to each other and giggling, so she imagined they had recognised him.

Paul seem to take it all in his stride telling her he was just enjoying being with her, But Alison deciding she had put him through enough for one day, so she suggested they should return to his place ,because she needed to have a rest before she went out again that evening. Proclaiming she never knew shopping could be so exhausting.

A little while she was in his bedroom sorting out the various bags she had brought back with her when Paul came in to join her

“Y’know, I think I am going to need another suitcase to fit all this stuff into for when I go back” she said as he sat next to her on the bed and she moved some of the bags away to make room for him

“More than likely,” he chuckled in agreement, “ on the other hand thankfully my shopping was very light today” he then said

“Oh, I didn’t even realise you had bought anything,” Alison replied in surprise

“Well that’s because I did it a little sneakily whilst you were busy browsing” Paul informed her with a small smile, “That way I could surprise you.”

“What have you done now?” she demanded her tone slightly chastising

“Well you can’t begrudge me wanting to buy you a little present, ” Paul replied in defence and handed her the small parcel that was wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper, “I couldn’t resist it when I saw it, and I am hoping you like it”

“You know you shouldn’t have, you have already spoiled me so much already, buying me dinner last night, then having to traipse around the shops with me half the day when I am sure it was not how you like to spend your time”

“As long as my time is with you, I don’t care,” Paul told her

She smiled back warmly, letting her hand going up to caress his cheek, “Your so good, y’know that,. I don‘t know what I did to deserve you” she then kissed him lightly on the lips,

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