San had cried when Wooyoung got a girlfriend, but the only time San made Wooyoung cry was when...

Four days. They found him in four days, and investigators never figured out who took him.

San joked about it a lot, saying how he attracted the creepos. Wooyoung would joke back, asking if that made him one too.

San's therapist recommended him to take a break. A long one. From everything. His face was on news sites and social media, gaunt and exhausted, a blanket draped over his shoulders and bruises still on his face. They didn't let Wooyoung see him until San begged them to.

Wooyoung would never forget the first thing San said to him when Wooyoung finally had him in his arms again:

"He liked my hair."

Now, in the bunker, San was peppering kisses over Wooyoung's face again, stopping his tears in their tracks. The lights above flickered. His leg hurt. And San was pushing cold metal into his hand.

"Look at what I found. We can keep each other safe."

Wooyoung looked, but he couldn't believe that it was real. He was holding a gun. Whoever had been stalking them had had a gun this whole time. Instead of shooting pictures, they could have been shooting bullets instead.

"Here's what we do," San said. "We go back up, and we pack our stuff. We leave."


"We have a gun now." San was smiling. But it was his practiced one. Fake.

"That doesn't mean anything." Wooyoung never thought he'd hold a gun ever in his life. He'd never be able to pull the trigger. He pushed it back into San's hands. "They could still have one, too."

"It's a man," San said. "If it's the same guy, he had a deep voice. And a mask over his face."

Wooyoung nodded. "Okay."

Okay. More information.

"I've been thinking," San continued. "This man... he must be on my staff."


"Your company arranged this trip, didn't they?"

"Yeah. They did."

"So that's how... this was set up."

San nodded. "It could be just one person, or my entire team."

"Let's hope it's the former."


Wooyoung felt a lot calmer now. San's eyes were determined and sharp. San obviously had had enough of this, and Wooyoung did too.

"Let's go."


The windows were still grayed out, and the wind still howled outside. San didn't give a shit, though. Their chances out there were better than sitting in this cage.

Wooyoung would normally be concerned over San's sudden shift in attitude, but he was nearing the end of his own rope, too. San walked with a quiet anger, his self perseverance out the window.

They were packing small bags for their trip. Wooyoung had an arm constantly slung around San's shoulders, and San had the gun at his side at all times. They took food and lighters and other tools that could be useful. Everything else had to stay.

Walking out in the blizzard with Wooyoung's leg the way it was would be suicide, but they didn't have much of a choice. The nearest road was at the foot of the mountain. Navigation shouldn't be too difficult. As long as they headed downhill, it should be fine.

Watch Over Me |Woosan|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora