Chapter 2

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The world was burning.

A dark red fire that tainted the ground, leaving not even ash. The few places where ground could be seen were pitch black. Scarred from the searing red flames. The sky matched the unmarked ground, pitch black. No stars, sun, or Moon to light up the world. Only the dark red flames.

Sitting in the fire were countless swords that littered the ground. The only thing unscathed by the fire. There were more swords than one would think possible.

Most of them were of European or Japanese origin. With the few exceptions that were scattered about.

Many of them were cracked and broken. Some were missing the guard. Others had blood staining the blade.

The fire licked at my legs, but there was no heat. It wasn't an unwelcome sensation, rather, it was one I was used to. Being here, seeing this place, I felt nothing but contempt.

The only thing here that I wasn't contempt with were stabbed into the ground.

I looked to the shattered, cracked, and chipped blades with furrowed brows. I wasn't nearly strong enough. My skills are mediocre at best. I need to get much better.

I looked back at the broken swords around me and sighed.

Well... let's get to work.


"Yuto, you are an idiot."

It was the morning of the next day. Once again, I ended up waking up in a hospital. Not as injured as yesterday, thankfully. That wasn't enough for Tamamo, who is very upset at me.

Tamamo decided it was a good time to chew me out for being reckless. She was right to be upset, though I don't regret what I did.

She let out a deep breath. "Be glad you aren't that injured. It could have been much worse." She was probably referring to my circuits. She did warn me about using them, and I certainly felt it. The fact that my body isn't normal is probably the reason my body didn't just shut down, but I've experienced worse.

"I think It turned out alright." I waved around my arms. I should be sore, yet I felt fine. The magecraft of this world, it really is amazing!

"Can you not be so energetic about getting injured."

"I am energetic because I am fine."

Tamamo let out a sigh. "The only reason I am not angry at you right now is because you actually did save someone." So that was the reason she was keeping her anger in check.

...So Kunou is okay then, that's good.

I could have reinforced my legs, I realised. But I most likely would have destroyed them with my lack of experience. I could practically feel my arms screaming at me as I reinforced them. At least I could have ran if my arms shut down.

I could have used my magecraft better too. But There was too much pressure! How can I fight while making sure my body doesn't explode!?

At least my projection was good. I even managed to control the mana in it while I was in that state. It was probably the only of two spells I was good at, and I was able to get better at it during the war. Though, even saying that, what I was capable of wasn't that powerful. Up against that creature, the blade was already cracking when I conjured it.

It didn't help that I hardly had any real training either. That isn't Aunt Rin's fault. It wasn't necessarily my fault either, just awful circumstances.

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