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"So why are we going to what's his name. . .Remus's party?" Virgil asked, walking with Logan. The full moon reflected on Logan's glasses as he adjusted them. He simply told his shorter friend that it was courtesy to show. "Alright fine, but we can't stay too long. I have work in the morning and want to be able to at least get a few hours of sleep. Why couldn't he have just had it earlier than 12?" the less put together one questioned in an irritated tone. He simply didn't understand why any human in their right mind would have this party so late.

"I'm sure we'll leave in time." Logan assured the anxious man, walking up to the door of a quite big house. As he began to observe the outside he noticed that all of the windows were shut and likely covered with blackout curtains to avoid the light. He didn't exactly understand why a house needed so many, but he didn't mind. He had also noticed that the house did seem quite old; the outer walls appearing to be made around the 1800's to maybe the 1880's. He continued observing the oddities of this house until Virgil tapped his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"It's going to start to rain, Einstein, and it's already cold enough out here even with my hoodie on. Now knock on the door so that I don't have to." Virgil pressured Logan, attempting to push him closer to the door with no avail. Virgil was quite weak compared to his counterpart. Logan sighed and knocked, and as he did so, some of the lights actually flickered, likely coming from a kitchen or living room. Just as quickly as the light flickered, the door swung open. A man with reddish-brown hair, likely younger than Logan, but about the same height as him, was standing in the doorway.

"Greetings! I'm Roman! My twin, Remus, is still making some food. The other guests are in the library, please go wait for Remus and I to enter." Roman shook the hand of his two guests and walked off. The two looked at each other and walked in, shutting the door behind them. They went to the library and saw three other people.

A very short boy, maybe around 5'3, with blonde hair looked over and waved at the two. "Hi, I'm Patton!" Logan recognised that name. He wasn't sure where and went over to him, Virgil following while hiding behind him. "Hey, do we go to the same college?" Logan answered by simply saying the name of his college, with Patton getting a quite excited look. That likely meant that they did in fact go to the same place of education. While thinking, Logan got a sudden embrace of a hug from the blonde boy. He simply pushed Patton away, saying that he doesn't enjoy being touched. "Oh..Sorry about that!" Patton replied to the shove and looked at Virgil, who quickly looked away.

A tall lanky person came over to all of them. "What's going on over here?" Patton introduced all three of them to each other, and they introduced themself. "Well my name is Janus, it is very nice to meet you on this pleasant evening." Janus took a bow, constantly having a sarcastic tone. This confused Logan. It was hard to tell if they really meant what they said or not, but Logan did know that this night was, in fact, not very pleasant, nor evening. So was it nice to meet them? That was yet to be answered. Logan looked over at a decently tall man with short brown hair. Janus noticed this stare and piped up, "That's Thomas.". Thomas looked over and waved, his demeanor seeming quite awkward.

Yearly Murder MysteryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora