Chapter I You will never be alone again (Part I)

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  Jay is just waking up from a strange dream when suddenly "Jay it's time to get...oh you're already awake, that's good ." said Sister Aki "Good morning Sister Aki." said Jay "Come along now, let's get washed up and then you can eat ok?" said Sister Aki; Jay nodded and she led him to the washroom. Sister Aki would always bathe Jay, she did not understand it but whenever one of the other nuns tried to bathe him they would be sent flying backwards or something.

  "Did you sleep well last night," said Sister Aki, Jay simply nodded "I'm glad for you Jay. You're still quiet as always it appears." Jay remained quiet, not because Sister Aki was bathing him or whatever. It's just how he is, "Ok now I just need to wash your right arm, ok?" said Sister Aki Jay nodded and unwrapped the cloth from his right arm.

"This might hurt a little ok?" said Sister Aki as she began to wash Jay's right arm. The pain was extremely unbearable to Jay but Sister Aki knew he was holding in the screams and cussing. "Ok all done. Let'em loose." said Sister Aki "Forgive me God but GOD FUCKING DAMN IT THAT HURT." said Jay "All done Jay?" asked Sister Aki, Jay nodded.

  "I've already got clothes for you, so get dressed and I'll be back in a moment." said Sister Aki "Yes ma'am." said Jay and she left. Jay got dressed and wrapped the cloth around his right arm. After a minute passed Sister Aki came back and they walked to breakfast together.

As they ate together Jay heard the other orphans call him "freak", "monster", or other things. Sister Aki saw Jay stop eating and knew why "Do you want to leave Jay?" Jay shook his head and continued eating. When they finished eating Sister Aki took Jay to get ready for school. As the bus came towards them Sister Aki said, "I know it's your first day going back to school in a while but have a wonderful day and try to make a friend or two, ok?"

  Jay nodded, she hugged him and then kissed him on the forehead. As he sat next to the window Jay waved good bye to Sister Aki and she waved back at him.

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