We sighed. I had enough of screaming girls from ItaTube, I didn't really want a screaming cashier.

"We appreciate that. So tell us, where should we go in the city?" I questioned, wanting to go somewhere great. She thought for a moment.

"Well, I'd say the cliffs, as that's one of my favorite places to go. But there's also the park, which is really pretty. There's an ice skating rink in the park. But the one place you have to see is the top of the church. Even if you're not religious, the top of that church gives you a view of the cliffs, the town, and some of the countryside. It's the highest point in town," she replied, giving us a next place to go.

"Thank you! Hopefully we'll see you again, and if we don't, have a great life. We love you!" Troye chimed. She smiled and waved at us, giving us a bag with our desserts in it. She asked for a picture quickly and we obliged.

Soon we were on our way, after learning the girls name was Olivia, and that this was her parents shop. As we were leaving, a young boy came in with white blond hair and green eyes who went behind the counter and kissed Olivia on the cheek. She waved us goodbye, and we exited the dessert shop.

We stopped at a couple of little shops and niches before arriving at the church Olivia talked about. It was right by a park, which had the ice skating rink right in the middle. We could hear the waves crashing somewhere caddy-cornered to the right. The trees were full of life and color, the few animals there containing the most precious joy, and the people brimful of happiness. It was one of the most breathtaking sights I had ever seen.

The church was absolutely gorgeous, even if I was more spiritual and Troye was Jewish. We went in and was guided toward the top, where the view was like the one below, except prettier. How that was possible, I do not know, but it definitely was achieved. The park was splayed out below them, cliffs all down the edge. The cliffs were white with gray speckles, with hundreds of tons of water crashing into the sides continuously. To our backs, the entire city was sprawled across acres and acres of land. Colorful buildings with brown rooftops were the main look, but there were the occasional "modern" house, adopted from an American style. Those buildings still continued to flow into the rest of the town, making a network of colors and streets and people and beauty.

The sky only added to the effect. The sun was just beginning to set, so pink rays began creeping their way towards the sun. Splashes of gold and blue and purple and red were thrown into the sky, making a masterpiece. The picture I took didn't even begin to capture the pure beauty of this place.

Troye and I began our descent from the tower when we decided to go watch the sunset from the cliffs. Seeing the sun go below the water would be a fantastic experience.

We asked a few of the people making their way throughout the park to give us directions to a great place to watch the sunset. Most of them guided us towards a niche in the rock, slightly hard to get to, but the absolute best place to watch the sunset and stars.

We got to the niche just before sundown. The sun was just resting it's tip on the water, waiting for us to settle in before ducking under. We spread the blanket from my backpack on the small patch of grass and laid down. We were in a sunken part of the cliffs, with white walls rising on either side of us, with a steep climb to the top behind us. The sun reflected off the white rock, creating an even more beautiful scene. To say the least, this sunset was the most stunning sunset I have ever seen, and I'm quite sure Troye would agree with me.

This experience made us closer. Not just because it was a date, but because we got to experience this together. Not this many people get to see this kind of thing, and I am more than happy to share this with Troye.

I think I'm falling in love. I've been on the edge for quite some time, by seeing this was just the push I needed. The fall was getting steeper and steeper, and I couldn't stop. This wasn't the right time to tell him though. I know, we've known each other for over a year, but we did just start dating today. It was not the right time, and I was not going to push this relationship.

However, I will not lie and say we didn't share a kiss or two on that rock. It was actually more like five or six. We ended up making out underneath the stars, before realizing that we had to get back before the boys would start to worry. We couldn't help but want to stay and continue talking and kissing underneath the bright and breathtaking stars. We had to go though.

As we were packing up the blanket and a few other things, Troye asked me a question.

"How many times have you ever seen something that gorgeous?" It was a continuation of our previous conversation, about the colors and sky and everything that was beautiful today.

"Only once." I replied mysteriously, hoping and wishing he would ask what it was.

"What was it?"

Yes! I composed myself and seemingly offhandedly answered with, "You." I know, cheesy, but who can blame me?

He looked up and blushed, before smiling to the ground he was facing. It was absolutely adorable. I smiled at his reaction, before getting the final things together.

Climbing up the small rockslide was much harder than climbing down it, but after we both made it up safe, I grabbed Troye's hand to pull him closer and kissed his lips deeply.

I eventually broke the kiss before passing out from lack of air, but I kept our hands tangled together as we walked towards our home for the night.


A/N: Surprise! A wild chapter appears! I am so sorry that this took so long, I had the most vigorous writers block in the history of the world. And I kinda went on an impromptu hiatus.

This chapter sort of shows my more hipstery side. These places are not real, I believe, however I did base the church on a place I've been to in the US. If these places were real I would be there ninety percent of the time, what about you?

Anyways, I have no idea when the next chapter will be up, please do be patient with me. Have a nice life though!


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Twitter: livilaser
Instagram: livilaser

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