chapter 1

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raine:gm derwin

derwin look amber and hunter
amber read a book
hunter had homework

hunter:i don't understand –_–

raine:which homework make you


raine:oh i think you have to music use

hunter:hi amber can i youre flute use


derwin:where is katya

raine:she is outside but she need time


raine:katya was jail as you and amber too

derwin:that was his week raine say me where she is

raine:she is at forest

derwin:thx we see us later

ravenphone call

raine:hello oh hi lilith what up no way what had eda make oh she need help oh man okey i come hunter amber i come back bye


derwin:katya katya

derwin hear a voice


katya sits at stone and writing a boom
katya wiriting for eda and raine

katya smile

derwin 0///0

derwin:ähm hi katy

katya:oh hi derw what give

derwin:ähm..nothing hey what are you doing

katya:i wiriting but i make a plan for eda and raine a date heheh

derwin:okey ähm so

katya:yep come we go back

derwin:yeah sure i help you

derwin help katya

katya:ähm can you my hand


derwin and katya 0///0

katya:ähm i go

derwin think:oh damm

as the both back his

amber:oh here his the 😏


amber:what had you so make and katya derwin had you worried make

katya:oh amb i am fine i need no worried okey
come amber where are go

amber follow katya and leave home

hunter:what wrong

derwin:i have bad feel katya had had always this nighmare is this coven guard fault well i the idiot see well him fight

derwin:i... i know and plz tell katya not

derwin:i go

hunter:where are you

derwin:say raine i back are bye hunter

hunter:bye derwin

derwin x katya Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat