Holding my hands behind my waist, I stepped in the room and halted next to her. She was absolutely unaware about my presence while I stood behind her.  

“ … Ahem …” I made a throat clearing sound to indicate About my presence. Nandini stiffened a bit as she went a little conscious.
“ Are you okay .?? " I asked her in my softest, humble tone.

Just like before, she lightly nodded her head meaning that she was okay and did not speak this time either. I inhaled a deep breath, not feeling fine about 'she not speaking a word at all' but I guess I can't do anything about it. I took a step forward to stand right beside her and also to view at least her side face to study her expressions.

“Why did you do that Nandini?....... Why you did not go with your father when everything was clear ?? The fight got stopped …. I gave the permission…  You were free to go, then why sabotage the opportunity of your freedom??"   I asked, looking at her.

But again….  She did not speak, Unable to bear her silence, when I seriously needed answers from her. And where she was the only one to give them, I joked in my jovial tone.

“Tell me Nandini........ or do you want me to wear a mask to speak to you, and maybe then, you will feel free to speak to me...? " I joked purposely as to remind her that I am also her friend, whom she once knew as Shourya.

Hearing this, her corner of her lips curved a bit as she couldn't stop herself to give a small smile.
My lips curved too, to see a little smile on her sad face which was like a thin line of a sunray in a dark.

“ You have to tell me Nandini, because I cannot understand your reason to do that. It is important for me to know." I pleaded.

She grew uncomfortable about me being insistent. She looked elsewhere to avoid any chance of our eye contact, and stood up and walked near the window of this room to create a distance between us and trying to avoid answering me.

But suddenly, she spoke placing her left hand on the windowsill and facing me a little, still avoiding her eye contact.

“ I was never fainted in the battleground there. It was my and Dhai Ma's plan to stop the fight between you and my father...”
I can't imagine my relief to hear her sweet voice after such a long silence of her. Being confused, I croak 
“ What??”

“ Yes, it was a total sham carried by both of us, As this was the only way to stop that unnecessary fight, because we didn't want to let either of you get hurt. It was just a chance which we took. We were uncertain whether it was going to work or not, but luckily, it did, and fortunately, you too could relate what I already gauged in the courtroom when my father challenged you to get into that insane fight, as My father's had his hostile intention for you."  She spoke in her sweet, low voice.

I was stunned to hear this from her while looking at her with my mouth agape.

“ So you were not fainted …??  But why not tell me …?”

“ Dhai Ma did it right to not take any risk to leak this information about the sham, not even by telling it to you as we just let it keep going with the flow."

I lowered my head, exhaling a deep breath again.
“ Humm.....”  I nodded my head, understanding her point.

“I got that … and indeed it was very thoughtful of you and Dhai Ma to stop the fight, but still ......... My question is still unanswered. Why did you stay Nandini ?? And, ... and why did you lie to your father about your ..... our ..? I mean, … I hope you understand what I am trying to say, where nothing of that sort ever happened- between us??” I spoke looking at her waist which was unintentionally inviting me to caraze her semi exposed skin, but I quickly blinked away to stay focused about what she has to say as I didn't want to miss any information passing from her lips, because of my sexual distraction.

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