🖤Lucifer's Jealousy🖤

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The class was almost full meaning that we would start soon. Lucifer had called a meeting for the entire council and some other students. And for some bizarre reason it begins at midnight. I was exhausted and was laying across two chairs using my jacket as a blanket. Everyone else was talking and somehow none of them were tired, yet again another perk of being a demon. 

A door slammed shut and I sat upright before rubbing my eyes. "Y/n, if you're tired then go home and get some rest," Lucifer said. 

"I'm tired too," Belphie commented. Luci bit the inside of his cheek and looked at me apologetically. I smiled smally and shook my head, letting him that it's alright. "Why did you even call a meeting this late?" Satan questioned, once again wanting to know all of the answers. 

Lucifer took his place at the front of the room. He rested his hands on the table as everyone waited for him to begin. "I have gathered you all here today as we have a problem on our hands: Y/n." My eyebrows furrowed. "Y/n is unprotected and-"

I stood up, "Luci, you're being ridiculous. I can look after myself just fine," I objected. "It's-"

"Y/n, you're a human. You can't protect yourself from a demon. One of the first things that we informed you of when you came to Devildom is that if you see a demon preparing to attack you run. And even that may not be enough."

"Tell me then, Luci, what demons are preparing to attach me at this very moment?" I asked. 

He sighed and shook his head. "We just need to take precautions, Y/n. None of us want you to get hurt or even the threat of hurt to exist, alright?" I nodded shallowly as I looked down. "Thank you." Lucifer went on and about his plans of someone from the student council to be by my side at all times or one of his trusted colleagues as he called them. 

I began to smile as I thought it all through. Luci wanted to protect me, he didn't want anyone to harm me. No-one else had gone through the trouble and burden of putting together this plan, he had done it all by himself. I wondered how long this had taken him then he said something to draw me out from my thoughts. 

"I've seen the way some demons look at Y/n and I hate it. I hate to think that everyday she comes to this school that she is endangered by fellow students. And I know the thoughts plague you as well. So, we need to carry out this proposition to ensure her safety in this prestigious school."

Everyone around the table, nodded their agreement; we all just wanted to go home and relax. "No input?" Lucifer asked, looking around the room. Simultaneously, everyone shook their heads. "Very well. This will start at the beginning of the school day tomorrow. I hope everyone knows their assignments and if not study them tonight and I want them memorized. Meeting dismissed."

They all rushed out of the door like they were beginning a stampede. It was just Lucifer and I left. I stood up and put on my coat. "All this for my safety, huh?" I looked over the graphs, charts, plans and statistics he had done. "Why are you so invested in it, Luci?"

"If Diavolo's exchange doesn't go well then the dream of uniting the angel realm with the human and devil realm is extinguished."

Slowly, I walked over to him as I ran my finger along the long table. "And just out of curiosity, how do you know what demons look at me in such specific ways? Your descriptions were quite vivid."

"Y/n," he sighed.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked. 

"I already told you."

"No, Luci, that's not it. There is definitely something deeper than Diavolo's dream. For you to carry something out, you always need to have multiple reasons otherwise you deem it not worth your time and dismiss it immediately. And-"

"I have feelings for you!" he paused, "Alright?" He sank into his chair and began to pack away his things. 

"Those feelings are not unreciprocated."

"That sentence is incredibly flawed, Y/n, and- Wait, what?" He stood up and his eyes were darting around my face unsure.

"Let me rephrase, the feelings that you just confessed to me are reciprocated. And if you still do not understand then-" His lips crashed onto mine as his arms hooked around my waist. I put my hands on the back of his neck. He rested his forehead against mine and as he smiled. "Oh, my," I teased. "Did I just make The Lucifer smile?" The smile disappeared. "No, please, smile again. You looked very attractive."

"You think?"

"And you are also very attractive when you're jealous. Which you were all of tonight."

"I am not jealous."

"The demons that look at me do so as they flirt with me constantly. Only when I'm talking to you they look at me like that. Well, more specifically looking at you with a face of absolute, pure jealousy. And that is the same face you made all of tonight. You, Lucifer, are jealous."

"Shut up and kiss me." 

So I did.

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