Kim Jongseob - Honeycrisp apple

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These days Jongseob has been thinking of this strange girl who appeared last Monday to him at lunch. She handed him an apple that was bigger than his hand and once he took a bite it was really sweet. It was almost like candy. He's never tasted something like this before. He wanted to ask her where she got it from before he realized she was gone. He was deep in thought before a member walked into his studio.

 "Jongseob, Keeho says it's time to eat," Soul said gently while fiddling with his rings. Sometimes he acted really timid around him even though they were really close. Soul talked a lot and he almost never left Jongseob bored. 

"Alright, I'll be there in a sec." Soul closed the door behind him then walked away. Jongseob grabbed his phone off the charger then walked out of his studio shutting the lights off behind him. Dinner was just as chaotic as always, With Keeho talking his smack in English with Intak and Jiung repeating him at unnecessary times. 

Jongseob sat down almost unnoticed and saw that his plate was already set out. He took a bite of his pizza and fell into deep thought quickly about the girl and the apple. "I've never seen him this quiet at dinner," Keeho said while pouring him a glass of cola. 

"I think it's about the day he came home with an apple. He's been acting weird ever since." Theo noted. Jongseob nodded then went back to eating. Dinner went by quickly with Soul and Intak cleaning up. Everybody left the company together to get back to the dorm to prepare for bed. Jongseob took a quick shower after Theo and got himself into some shorts and a T-shirt. He was anticipating seeing the girl again.

He went to bed that night thinking of her. He could barely remember her features but he still remembered what she looked like. The morning came quickly as he got up for school at around 5 and put on his uniform. He had to be at school by 7 and the bus took forever. Once he got there however he saw the girl. He gasped and wanted to run up to her. But what took him by surprise as she came up to him. She handed him an apple. The same apple as last time. She was about to walk away until he spoke. 

"Wait-!" Jongseob blushed a dark red, almost the same color as his hair. He wanted to get to know her and he wanted to lose all these questions. "W-Whats your name?" 

The girl's lips curved upward as she spoke. "It's L/n F/n. Kinda weird how you don't know... I'm class president." That made Jongseob look down and blush more. He voted for her and didn't even know what she looked like. It felt so embarrassing. 

"That's okay, Jongseob. I understand, not many people recognize me." She laughed a little which made his heart leap. He didn't like that, not one bit. That meant he was falling hard. His feelings would show up in his music and he might just catch himself accidentally mentioning the girl in his lives. 

"O-Oh..." He paused and tried to think of something else to say. "C-can you tell me which type of apple this is?" He asked looking at the abnormally large apple. 

"It's a Honeycrisp apple. The ones I get are imported from this state in the United States named Michigan. I might consider visiting." Jongseob nodded listening to her. He quite enjoyed it. 

"Class is about to begin, I'll talk to you at lunch okay?" She turned around and walked away. But before she was completely out of sight she turned her head once and smiled back at him. Jongseob smiled back and began putting his jacket away in his locker. He still went to class but this time he was holding the apple in his hand. 

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