─── ⚝𓄹٠٘ vi. 𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖾

Start from the beginning

The young Rosier felt dejected. It was shown on her facial expression every time it drops and the closest person to notice that was James.

And even though he had already noticed it, he was still yet to ask if she was alright. James was scared that he might scare her off by his curiosity.

And he didn't want to do that.

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By the end of the feast, everyone was ecstatic to return to their own dorms and common rooms, including Stella who was already letting her thoughts run wild at the image of their common room.

"We have chess boards-" said James.

"-The biggest unnecessary fire place in the whole castle." said Sirius.

"-Hidden cupboard for snacks." said Peter

"-and our own house ghost, nearly head-less Nick!" finished off Remus as they reached exited the great hall.

Stella almost rocketed at how eventful their common room was, some may find it boring but according to Stella, their own dorm in Beauxbatons is much more worse.

It was like a unicorn puked all over the whole castle that's why it was so blingly shimmery and posh.

"Do you already know who shares your dorm with you?" asked Remus.

"Oh, I actually don't." answered Stella, truth is she didn't even know if she wanted one.

"You can share the dorm with us- ow! JAMES!" Sirius suggested but was smacked by James in the head.

"Yeah, probably not a good idea." muttered Peter. "Atleast Peter and Remus gets it." James shrugged and teasingly left Sirius behind.

"Well, wanna be my new bestfriend, Rosier?" said Sirius, shoving both his hands in his pockets.

Apparently, James, Peter, and Remus had heard that and immediately mouthed 'no' to Stella, whish the girl obliged to and jokingly said "no" to the long-haired boy and skipping her way to join Remus and the others.

The glint in Sirius' eyes formed as Stella had become their new found friend.

It was only a matter of time before they influence her to become a Maurader.

Or does she even need influencing.

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"Holy shit."

Stella couldn't comprehend or even process what the bloody hell she was seeing. A castle that had 7 floors and to climb their way up or down, they had to go to a moving staircase.

The Mauraders watched in amusement as Stella was ogling at the staircases like the 1st years were.

"I love these stairs." Stella breathed out, grinning ear to ear.

"Let's see tomorrow if you still love these stairs." smirked James, he too had taken a liking to these stairs in his 1st year, but instantly regretted it on the next day.

Not knowing what James meant, Stella just raised an eyebrow at the messy haired boy and shrugged it off.

Once they've reached the 3rd floor where the Gryffindor common room was, a prefect stopped them in their tracks.

"The new password for this year is 'Caput Leones'"

Everyone muttered the password and the painting let them in without hesitation.

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