02. Workout In Heat

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Chase was sitting down a tree, trying to take off Rocky's words from his head. The heat of the Mid-July afternoon was also plaging him down a lot (29 celsius) and he could barely focus on his thoughts. Then, he suddenly saw a small silouhette drawing itself on the ground, and he heard a soft voice coming from behind him, which was none except Skye's. 

The German Shepherd looked behind him to see the Cockapoo. She was wearing her sports uniform (the one on top of the page) with a hachikami on top of her hair, which was going through the bandana, and it looked kind of fluffy. But then she removed it and started talking to me.

"Oh sorry, for annoying you..." She quickly interrupted her speech

"It's okay, it's okay"  He responded

"Ok. Anyways what I was going to ask is basically, I'm going outside and then at our gym to do a little afternoon workout, and usually I go with Zuma, but today, apparently he told me he doesn't feel well and I don't wanna go alone, I always think it's not a good idea. So do you want to go with me ?" She said

He wasn't sure how to respond to her. One side was telling him to be happy because she was inviting him to spend time with her, but he couldn't tell her like this. I mean, training on a afternoon is what friends do, and not crushes right ? And also, what about Zuma ? "I usually go with Zuma" chills sparked down his fur.

"She likes Zuma and not me, and I don't deserve her" He thought

Then he realized Skye was nudging him and he came back to reality.

"Chase ?"

"Oh y-y yeah" Chase finally responded, coming out of his trance and blushing, "Of course I-I want to ! Let me get my sports uniform real' quick"

Then, he went in his puphouse where all of his uniforms are stored. He struggled to find it so he decided to turn on the light and finally found it after over 30 seconds of searching.

"There we go" Chase said to himself

He then went inside the lookout to tell Ryder they're leaving for the afternoon.

"I have no problem with that. But be careful, it's hot these times outside, and you never know what can happen with your health" Ryder advised

"Thanks, Chase responded, and, we'll be careful, I mean, we already rescued people for things like heat exhaustion and heat stroke, so we know what it is"

"Alright, here's two bottles of water. Take them because you'll need them"


Then he turned back and went to Skye.

"He said yes, but we have to be careful, Chase told her, by the way are you sure you wanna go in that hot weather ?"

"I don't think it's a problem since I'm kinda used to it" Skye responded

"What do you mean ?" Chase asked

"I used to live in Florida, Skye explained, and believe it or not but a 21 celsius we usually get in Canada during summer is actually cold for them. I also lived in France for like a year and a half. If you ask to Everest she just can't tolerate hot weather"

"Pretty normal when you think about the climate she's used to liv... Wait, FRANCE ? Do you know how to speak French ?" Chase quickly interrupting himself, realizing what Skye had just said

"Nah... It's such a complicated language, I just know like a few sentences and words, Skye said, in fact, it would be just enough to get understood when I'm asking where is the Eiffel Tower" She finished her sentence, giggling

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