🐗Inosuke- Halloween special!!🐗

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Just a reminder, you and Inosuke are in the modern world.

Happy Halloween!


"Hello, Y/n-Chan." Tanjiro says to you as you entered his house, Zenitsu was sitting with Makomo and Sabito, while your other friends were chatting away. You didn't see Inosuke, though.

"Where's Inosuke? Has he not arrived yet?" You asked Tanjiro. He and his sister, Nezuko, wanted to throw a Halloween party, since you were all too old for trick-or-treating, but didn't wanna ruin a perfectly good holiday.

"He got here a while ago, he's probably in my room." He chuckled, wondering why he would be in there.

You walked to Tanjiro's room. You walked into it and looked around, no Inosuke to be seen. So you started to walk out, as you walked out, someone popped out of nowhere. You caught a glimpse of white hair as they pushed you back into the room.

Damn you, Tengen.

As you were ready to fall on your back, you were surprised to feel someone keeping you from falling.

"Boo!" They yell. You look up to see someone in a boar mask. You scream as you try to escape from its grasp. Only to have Tengen and the boar mask guy start laughing like hyenas.

"Very funny." You roll your eyes at the two of them."And who the hell are you?" You ask the boar guy. He removes his mask.

"Inosuke? I should've known! You guys scared me half to death!" You grumbled in frustration.

"Calm down, Y/n-Chan." Tengen tells you as he pats your head. "Let's go watch a movie with the others."

You sit next to Inosuke, you were still pretty upset at him for scaring you, but you were also upset at yourself for not seeing the prank coming.

"What should we watch?" Shinobu asks.

"I say we watch a horror movie, since it's Halloween!" Kyojuro says happily.

"Alright then, let's watch (Your least favorite horror movie because it's too scary for you)."

Why that movie?  You ask yourself. Every time you see that movie, you jump right out of your skin and cling to the nearest person as tight as you can. Or you start crying your eyes out like a child that's lost their mother or father.

Halfway into the movie, you close your eyes, scared of the next scene that was about to show. You then feel a hand on top of yours. You look at it and notice Inosuke's hand was the one that was on top of yours. A slight pink tint brushed his cheeks, and you smiled kindly to him. You felt safer and less anxious. Why? Was it the fact someone was holding your hand? Or was it because you felt something for Inosuke?

You continued to watch the movie, and Inosuke still held your hand. For someone who's used to being loud and wild, his hand was soft and warm. After the movie ended, everyone got up to do their own thing.

"I should've known you were gonna prank me today." You told Inosuke.

"I should do it more often!" He said proudly.

You giggled, "Let's just hope you forget about it soon enough." You pat him on the head. Both of your faces were dusted with a little pink.

"Hey, Inosuke!" Zenitsu called to him. He walked over to Zenitsu and started talking to him. You went to go grab some food. Inosuke was looking at you, so you waved hi to him, he waved back, and you went back to your food.

"Hey Inosuke," He look at you, confused. You had a wide smirk on your face, then you tapped his shoulder.

"You're it." You said, and you ran off running. A big grin appeared on his face, and he started chasing you.

"I'M GONNA CATCH YOU Y/N!!!!!!" He exclaimed.

After a few minutes, he lost track of you. "I think I won." You said out loud to yourself. You started running, trying to find Inosuke.

"GOTCHA!" Inosuke said. You tried to stop, but too much momentum told you no. So you ended up collapsing into Inosuke. You both fell on your backs, side by side, laughing.

"Who won?" You asked.

"I did! Obviously!" Inosuke beamed.

Inosuke leaned towards you and pecked your lips. Your face was a bright red.

"Why did you d-do that?" You asked nervously.

He smirked, "That was my reward."


Happy Halloween friends! I hope you get a lot of candy!


Bonus scene:

"Open your mouth damn it!" Inosuke shouted. He was trying to feed you candy.

"Mm mm!" You turned away from him as you refused. He took your chin and made you face toward him. He then kissed your nose, which made you open your mouth in shock and embarrassment, and he placed the candy in your mouth.

"Stop tricking me into doing things!" You pouted. He only smiled and wrapped his arms around you, placing more kisses on your face, which only made you giggle with happiness.

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