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You sighed as you walked out of the electrical room and realized huggy was missing.
"What in the fnaf-?"

You went on trying to ignore the fact that it might be watching you now.

You put the batteries in their places not noticing the blue thing watching you with a lovely dovey expression (as lovey dovey as he could get at least).

"Finally, I have two hands; I hold the power!"
You said to nobody in particular.

You opened the vent shaft and went in.
"Greater electrical work"
After doing said electrical work
You went through the conveyor belt, which was oddly calming until they started dropping parts of toys on you.

This proceeded to make you scream as if you had just seen a spider.

Finally, you were out of there and gripped onto the nearest support to catch your breath.


Just one hug! Wait stop running!!Where stories live. Discover now