Some Type Of Rivals*

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In this one-shot, instead of Hogwarts being a magic school, it is a fighting and training school where the students train in combat, but there is also a type of magic

Avery brought her tomahawk down on the training dummy, slicing its head in two. She smirked at her accomplishment, wiping the beads of sweat off her forehead as she made her way over to her bottle of water, spraying the cool water into her mouth.

She gazed across the courtyard. All the other students trained, swinging or stabbing their weapons of choice at training dummies or each other. 

Avery's eyes caught one boy in particular, Draco Malfoy, son of one of the noblest families that sent their children to this school.

 He was tall with a muscular frame and short blonde hair that fell slightly on his face. He was training against another Slytherin student whose name Avery couldn't recall.

Draco and Avery had always had a rivalry when they would spar. Neither of them ever had the upper hand, so they both won at some point.

They would make snide remarks at each other when they attended classes together and always try to outdo each other.

 Avery stared at the boy for a moment taking in his features. He looked rather attractive in his training gear.

Avery quickly looked away when she realized what she was thinking, she had always found him good-looking, but his personality was an interesting one,

 Avery picked up her tomahawk again and walked to a new training dummy.


Draco wiped his forehead and dropped his hand down to help Blaise up. He had just knocked him to the ground in their sparing session, 

Blaise grumbled and took his hand. Draco pulled him to his feet and smirked at him in accomplishment, 

"4-0, Blaise," Draco retorted,

 Blaise muttered something about his leg hurting and went to get some water. Draco sat down at a nearby tree, looking to the sky and breathing heavily from the workout.

He looked around the training grounds and spotted Avery Gatton, a fellow Slytherin student whom with he bickered.

She was training with her tomahawk against Harry Potter, a Gryffindor.

 She skillfully kicked his legs out from under, sending him to the grass. She pointed her weapon at his neck, and he surrendered. 

Draco found himself staring at the girl as she tried to steady her breathing after the long fight between her and Potter.

She was very attractive, with deadly dark brown eyes and long black hair that went down to her mid-back,

 She was an average height, maybe a few inches above, and had an athletic build. She could beat anyone. She has even beat Draco a few times. Okay, maybe more times than Draco would care to admit, but he has to.

Avery felt like someone was staring at her, so she looked up. She saw Draco gazing in her direction.

 The two made eye contact holding each other's gaze, their eyes challenging one another to look away, but neither backed down. Instead, they found themselves engaging in a sparing match.

Draco pointed his sword at Avery while she readied her tomahawk,

"You're going to lose, Gatton," Draco said cockily.

Draco Malfoy One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora