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Krish was alert and determined this time. He skipped asking that question Mugdha failed to answer last time.

He did talk a little more, like asking what books she read, when she asked him about reference books.Neha came to Neil for quotes and speech to help Abhay this time too. Krish denied helping her, saying he has assignments.

Neil didn't complain, as he knew how much Krish is fond of Mugdha.Abhay caught cold and fever last time, because of which he needed help from Neha.This time luckily, he is healthy and sound and did all the homework himself.

One fine Sunday evening Abhay is wandering in his car in the new city. He doesn't even know where he exactly is when the car gave trouble in between.He Googled for mechanic shops nearby and dialed their number.

"Yes, sir, a person will come to help you. Just stay there!" The shop owner told. Abhay is a little surprised to see a girl approaching him with a toolbox.

She dialed his number to confirm it was him who called their shop for help."You......" He paused.
She nodded that she is the one who is assigned to repair his car.
There is a gentle smile on her face, which would make people want to see that again.

She questioned what the problem is with her expressive eyes.

Abhay narrated in one go.She quickly resolved the issue, unbothered by anything.

"Thank you!" Abhay said though he thought it's disrespectful of her not to utter a word at least.
However, the smile she gave after his thank you made him change his opinion. That looked so soothing and pure.She bent her head a little and left collecting the money.

"Cool....." He whispered, getting inside the car

Soon the elections began. Abhay is giving his best.
He and Mugdha are having a healthy competition without any drama.

Krish voted for Mugdha without forgetting this time. He is expecting a tie as 99% of events are exactly happening in the same way as last time.

"Abhay won by one vote!" The announcement surprised Krish. The number of votes polled increased by two compared to last time, and this intrigued Krish. One is his vote, other is Piya's vote. Piya missed the bus last time and was late to college, and missed voting. This time, she is on time and voted Abhay.

"Abhay...Abhay....." Students are cheering up for him.

The evening:
"Hello, Abhay...... congratulations! I actually have many plans on how I want this literature club to be. I wish to coordinate and work together!" Mugdha asked Abhay this time too.

"Definitely!" Abhay said with a subtle smile. His glance shifted towards Piya, who is heading to give her name as a participant in the Sports club.

"Does she study in the same college?" He wondered.

"Piya......." She turned back when a fellow classmate yelled.

"Professor is making an important announcement!"Piya rushed along with that girl to the Mechanical department.

"So this doe-eyed mechanic is from mech!" Abhay thought.

This time Krish doesn't want to take a chance. He is all set to propose Mugdha and doesn't want Abhay in her surroundings either.Krish enrolled in the Sports club only as a participant.

Studies, blog writing in free time, playing shuttle, friends, and family are only essential things in his life. Krish now knew that Mugdha liked his playing skills in the shuttle. He is using all his energy to defeat the opponent while the crowd is cheering up for him during the match the next day.

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