f i r s t c h a p t e r

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I stared out the window, looking over the lake scenery as the carriage passed. Somewhere in my endless gaze though, the beauty Athanasia held plus her sophisticated manner at the debutante ball today still revolves within my mind ever since.

Also, the Emperor... Hehe, I wonder if the princess knows how lucky she is to have someone to call father. Well, imagine coming to this world not having anyone to call mommy or even daddy. I still don't though... I thought as I bitterly sighed.

"Don't you think the princess was beautiful today, Jennette?"

That's true. Everybody envied the princess today. I remembered when I noticed the princess's dress didn't had a ribbon on it from a far, I wanted to take the opportunity to approach her so I kept on looking around to see where her ribbon fell off. As soon as I had found it though, I hurriedly went to the halls where she was walking and offered it back to her.

Even though our encounter wasn't as splendid as I imagined it to be, I still smiled when I recalled her gentle voice in my ears again.

"Yes! She was! I can't wait when she finally knows that we're sisters," I excitedly chuckled to his question.

"Jennette... Let's keep it quiet for now, okay? It'd be dangerous if you were to leak that secret before the Duke does." Said Ijikiel with a smile. I only nodded even though deep within, I felt down. Ijikiel would never understand the happiness I feel knowing that I do have a family.

After all these years with no one to love and be loved, I have a gorgeous and kind-hearted sister all along. I smiled with an overflowing joyous. However, all my daydreaming had to come to stop when Ijikiel had once again called for my name and offered his hand out of the carriage. In addition to that, one day he'll offer his hand again but with something on it. Will you marry me? Ah! Why did that sounded a lot more embarrassing in my head...

Moving on - as soon as we got through the door, the butler had greeted us about the Duke wanting to have a word with me. I have to say that years of living with this family, whenever the Duke wishes a word with me, it is never not intimidating to me.

As soon as the butler leaded us to the Duke's office, I could see that he was thinking intensely about something before noticing our presence. He ushered the butler out before speaking, "Are you truly out of your mind?"

I wasn't really surprised of the Duke's tone, but I, of course had the least expectation of him caring my feelings just - a bit. Regardless, I could only look down to the floor blankly, staring it to holes since it had always been this way every time.

"I specifically told you not to make a move on your own,"

In my head, that's all I could hear. I didn't understand why talking to my sister today made the Duke in rage so much. I only wished for a moment with the princess to keep in my memory everlastingly. But you know... I actually didn't regret doing it - talking with the princess.

"Are you listening, Jennette?"


I still didn't look up. But it wasn't a lie though, my mind was too preoccupied with things like Athanasia's beautifulness, her soothing voice and... Family. I didn't actually hear the rest of the Duke's words; I was just called here to be scold for exchanging a couple of words with my sister.

Then I heard Ijikiel's presence nearing the Duke and I, "Father, it's Jennette's debutante day as well, give it a rest..."

Yet that's all, my mind was back into daydreaming my encounter with Athanasia soon again. It feels like meeting your soulmate, time just stops whenever it wants whenever they come in mind. Henceforth, the Duke ended his words and told me to head to bed sooner than expected. 

I don't mind his outrage because to dwell about it would only make me feel sad every time, but today, I didn't have to try. Since I have a lot more ideas on what to daydream about Athanasia sister tonight!


As I was bathing in rose water, a thought interfered my daydream of Athanasia; was Ijikiel acquainted with the princess? He could've told he wished to dance with Athanasia instead of making me wait for him. Thus, my first dance ended up being someone from this particular house... I hummed as my memory failed on me, he wasn't quite remarkable enough for me to remember.

In no regard of what the Duke says, I still imagined the day where I'll personally tell Athanasia how we've been sisters all along. "I can't wait for the day..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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