Chapter 2: The Twilight Hotel

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Brad and Ray have coffee with Shelly and Lester after their visit with Nabilah.

Brad: She's fucking nuts.

Lester: It still makes you wonder.

Brad: Ray, who were the two people I said she would try to get to?

Ray: Brad called it. He said she would try to get to me and you, Lester. That she would know not to try anything with him and Shelly.

Shelly: So after everyone we've talked to today, we barely have anything. The only thing we know about the attacker is that he is White. It doesn't even mean that he necessarily is White. He could just be light skinned.

Brad: She's in shock, but with her age, who knows if she'll ever be able to tell us any useful information.

Shelly: So what do you plan on doing now?

Brad: We call it a night. We've been working all day. We go home, see whoever it is we go home to, and tomorrow's another day. You two go on with your jobs like regular. Me and Ray will talk to some people I know. See if they've heard anything.

Shelly: Informants?

Brad: Yeah. I will keep you updated Shelly.

Shelly: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Brad: No problem. And with that, I say we call it a night.

Ray: Agreed.

When Shelly returns home, she sees Adam is grading papers.

Shelly: Hey.

Adam: Hey babe. I ordered pizza for dinner. I have some left over for you in the fridge.

Shelly: Thanks.

Shelly takes the pizza and warms it up in the microwave.

Adam: Are you going to ask me about my day?

Shelly: I hope it wasn't half as bad as mine.

Adam: Awe.

Adam puts down his paper and stands up.

Adam: What happened?

Shelly: No. I don't want to talk about it.

Shelly and Adam hug each other.-

Shelly: -I would rather hear about your day.

Adam: Ok. Well today was an interesting one. As I am teaching I hear some students, girls, mumbling. I don't let it bother me when I hear students a little. Then all of a sudden, this one woman JUMPS OUT OF HER SEAT, and starts yelling "I'll beat yo ass, stupid bitch!" to this girl.

Shelly: Oh wow.

Adam: I know. So then the other one calmly says "Sit cho stupid ass down" and the loud one walks right up to her. So I get in between them, because I don't want them to start fighting in my class. And the woman, who is pretty big, says "He ain't gonna protect you. I don't know what he's standin' here for". I say "Ladies, let's take a break for a second. Let's take a breather".

Shelly smiles as she watches and listens to her boyfriend tell her about his day at school. Although she knows his day wasn't as eventful as hers, she listens to his story and likes it, because it occupies her thoughts. For a few minutes, she is able to go without thinking about Greta's rape. The first thing Lester does when he gets home is shower. After that, he calls his aunt Bessie.

Lester: Aunt Bessie, it's me, Lester.

Bessie: Who?

Lester: LESTER.

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