The Tour of Venice

Start from the beginning

It wasn't long before they had not only ascended and descended the famed staircase, but also conquered the Jewish Ghettos, which had a soft spot in her heart, Isola Torcello, Rosa Salva (the cafe that she wouldn't tell the Santoli's that they went to at all), and the Arsenale. "I shouldn't even be taking you here," she had told him when he put two and two together about the shipyard and her host family.

Now on the ferry ride over to Lido, Austin had her talking about the Carnevale again. Not just about the costumes this time, but the masks, the feeling, the balls, and how the tourists looked at them while they walked the paths and they posed for pictures. In all, the family, as well as others who were hired for the annual event, were tourist attractions and although she never really liked that aspect, it had still helped her get into the consulate.

"It was a gorgeous mask, full of of tiny jewels that gave it sparkle and a feather that sprouted from one side," Ally told him about her mask for the last Carnevale. "It was the ugly duckling turning into a swan."

"I kind of can't wait to see you in this costume. I'll turn into a paparazzo around you," he joked and followed her off the ferry towards the long stretch of beach. He told her about his own brushes with the cameras living in Los Angeles and while he could live without it, he knew it was part of his chosen path. They normally caught him going into the studio or picking up coffee, his insanely exciting life. She laughed at his sarcasm as they reached the boardwalk and told him that his life was exciting.

"It's more exciting than learning about laws that no one breaks or uses, but are actually still in use," she lamented as he pulled out his own camera and took a couple of shots down the stretch of an almost barren beach. "I used to think that's where I would end up too."

He pulled the device down from his face, looking over at her. "Like music?"

She nodded. "I had the opportunity to go to MUNY, in New York. It was my dream school."

"What happened?"

"I was scared out of my audition. My hands were on the keys and I was about to play when the admissions officer started yelling and giving me this lecture on how I would actually never make it. Needless to say, I not only don't play a lot anymore, but I have this stage fright that won't go away." She could tell he didn't know what to say to her. Not many did and that was okay. She had lived through it all and now had a totally new dream that she was just months away from achieving.

"And you chose Italian Studies instead."

"It's not that big of a switch. Italy is full of so much art that it's bursting with it at the seams."

"You're right there. I wish I could hear you play."

"Maybe you will," she nudged into him as they walked on the sands. "How'd you like the tour today?"

"It was great. I had the best and prettiest tour guide on the island showing me around. We got to see this cool spiral staircase and eat these delicious little treats..."

"Which we won't be telling Suzetta about," Ally pointed out, laughing with him about it. "Think you can remember all the names in Italian?"

"If I say no, what's my punishment?"

"I'd say no coffee from Santoli's, but we both know that Suzetta will give it to you anyway."

"I know this is spiaggia," he tried to impress her. "Will that count?"

"How about you tell me what this means: Come pensi che il tempo?" Ally quizzed him, hoping that her slipping little lessons in all day was rubbing off and getting him to learn.

"Something about the weather. How is the weather?"

"How about: Si consiglia di acquistare me un gelato per prendere un tour."

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