I walk back into the house, seeing them all looking at me, everyone taking back their seats. I take a my seat at the end of the table, opposite Alexei, him glaring at me as if to kill me. I look down at the table, feeling a pair of eyes on me the entire time.

" Your agent six, aren't you?" Melina questions, making me look to her.

" My name... is Xander." I grit and she flinches.

" That voice..." she breaths.

" You know, it's getting late. I'm gonna get some rest." I say standing up, going to walk away.

" You know, Melina only has two spare rooms." Alexei says, getting my attention.

" Fine. I'll stay on the couch." I say, going to walk away again.

" No. That is where my pigs sleep." Melina says, and by this point, I'm starting to get ticked off.

" Fine. If you need me, I'll be in the plane." I grit, walking to the door, grabbing me bag just beside it.

" You're leaving? What about the Red Room?" Yelena asks, getting up and walking over to me.

" What about it? We don't even have a plan." I sigh.

" But, I- But I though we were going to do this together?" She asks, eyes glossing over.

" And we will. As soon as we have a plan." I say, opening the door.

" If you figure out a plan, you know where to find me." I say, walking out the door and closing it behind me.

It's still light outside. But the sun is starting to set. I walk out the gates of Melina's home, setting on the course back up the hill and to the plane. Well, what's left of it.

I just have to get away. Not away from Yelena. But just away in general. It's one thing for you to know what you did as Agent Six, but it's another to see someone be afraid of you because of it. Sure, people are scared of me. I'm Russian, people are scared of my accent. But with Melina, it was different. I don't know why though. Maybe it was because she is close with Yelena. But I I'm still not sure. I'm not sure I'm sure of anything anymore.

As my mind rambled, I made it to the plane, the sun now set. It looked worse then it did when we left. Maybe that could have been because it's dark now. I make my way towards it more when two men walk out of it, guns in hand. I quickly move, hiding behind a tree. Another few soldiers walk out from behind the plane, flashlights in hand.

" The aircraft is clear, sir." One soldier says to the others.

" Good. That means they are all still with Melina. She said that her estate is only down this path." The other one says as a jet comes over with some others.

They all hover around a little bit, one landing, letting the soldiers in before flying back up, all of them heading back the way I came.

" Melina." I grit angrily, turning around sharply.

I make my way back down the hill, heading back for Melina's. She set us up. She called them in. Why? Why would she do that? She doesn't owe them anything.

I can see the house in sight, the jets circling it, spotlights trained on the house. I reach into my bag, pulling out my sniper rifle, getting it set up. I aim for one of the jets, shooting one of its routers, making it crash. I aim for the another jet, readying myself to take the shot. I take a deep breath, setting my finger on the trigger. Just as I am about to pull it, I sense something behind me and spin around just in time to catch the shield of Taskmaster.

I look around, there still being no sight of him. A whizzing is then heard and I am struck with a grenade, sending me flying off the hill I was hiding out at and to Melina's garden. I pull myself to my hands and knees as I heard the boots of Taskmaster growing closer. I look around for any of my weapons but they are all in my bag at the top of that hill. He gets closer to me, his knee contacting with my stomach, making me roll a few feet away. I then hear the jets inclose on my location, the spotlights on me. I pull myself to my feet, facing the Taskmaster as they just stare at me.

The Unholy Gift of the Serum (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now