Meteor Shower !TW!

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!TW! -Dissasociation, Anxiety, Mentions of Nightmare, Mentions of Criminal Escaping

[let me know if I missed anything]


[Verse 1]
I've got miles of regrets and confusing friends
But perhaps it's just my stupid head in the end
Thinkin' "should I wait here or make my way home?"
You said "Go"
(You said "Go")

[Verse 2]
Making up problems that don't exist
Why do I let myself dream like this?
We're floating away, my body's in space
We are going home

Missing pieces of my skull
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
There's nothing you or I can do so let the stars fall
'Cause from up here the sky is my thoughts
And we're all so small

[Verse 3]
Meteor shower
Quick, take cover
But the hues in our hair compliment one another
I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones
'Cause blue's your favourite colour

Missing pieces of my skull
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
There's nothing you or I can do so let the stars fall
'Cause from up here the sky is my thoughts
And we're all so small
We're all so...

My heart and the earth share the same rule
It starts with Love and it ends with U
But don't go outside, it's dangerous tonight
Without me right here by your side

Take it slow, you'll know
Which way to go
Sew up your skull
Take your time
And we'll be just fine

Missing pieces of my skull
I'll sew on patches of my own soul


The setting was a park.  A large, open, slightly hilly area surrounded by small oak forests on two sides. There were a few trees scattered all around the edges and middle of the open area. Two high school friends were sitting under a large, green tree planted in the middle of the green area, adding to its beauty.

"Ray you don't understand... all I have are regrets and confusing friends!" The short red head tried to explain. Ray, a slightly shorter dark brunette smiled softly.

"Robyn maybe it's just your head? Being stupid, like heads do sometimes," Ray told him gently, her surprisingly bright blue eyes soft.

Ray doesn't understand... maybe I should just go.. The ginger thought in disappointment.

"Ray, I think I have to go," He said carefully, slowy, uncertainly, "I think my mum said she wanted me to call her."

"Well then go, Robbie! You can't just leave your mum waiting!" Ray exclaimed with a smile on her face, jumping up a little. Her slight bangs falling into her face. He had to fight back the urge to tuck it behind her ear.

He couldn't help but stare at her, as her short, dark brown hair able to be mistaken with black bounced around her face, framing it in a beautiful way he couldn't describe, making her eyes pop.

He was snapped back into reality by Ray offering him her hand to help him up. He greatfully accepted it and the shorter helped pull him up. Not that he weighed much, though.

Suddenly, she was pushing him gently, back where he had originally had come from when he come to meet her.

"Robyn, if my mum asked to call me and I left her waiting, she'd have my head!" The dark brunette said with a laugh, looking at him expectedly.

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