Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry. What, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor mocked as Steve and Tony halted him from taking the gauntlet.

"We should at least discuss it," Scott insisted as he stood up.

"Look, sitting here staring at the thing is not going to bring everybody back," Thor argued, "I' the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this  responsibility, this duty falls on me and-"

"Don't be so egotistical," I scoffed, "It's not about that."

"No Thor," Tony argued, stepping before my brother and trying to get him to back down, "It's not about being the strongest-"

"Stop it!" Thor snapped, "Just let me!"

Thor inhaled sharply as he grabbed Tony by his shirt collar. For a moment he looked absolutely defeated as he begged, "Just let me do it? Let me do something good. Something right."

"Or I can do it," Sigyn interjected once more, "I've wielded the Tesseract before, with my bare hands. I'm certain I can handle five more infinity stones, especially with that fancy glove."

"No," I said firmly, "Ignore her please, she's not wielding that glove. And so help me god if I see any one of you let her, I will kill you."

"Well good thing she's not wielding it," Thor said, "Because I am. I'm going to bring everyone back."

"Look, it's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent, I'm telling you that you're in no condition to even touch it," Tony explained, "Mrs. Loki over here, standing in at barely five foot has a better chance of surviving with that thing that you do."

Thor rolled his eyes, "Her? You heard my brother, she's off the table. I'm your only choice," he insisted, "Besides, what do you think is coursing through my veins right now?"

"Cheez whiz? Beer? Maybe even some skittles?" Hela said, crossing her arms as she rested her feet up on the table. Moments like that reminded me that she was definitely my flesh and blood. Only my child would be so witty and...harsh.

Thor shot her a quick glare before he continued, "Lightning. Lightning is coursing through my veins."

"Lightning won't help ya pal," Hulk said softly as he stepped towards the glove, "It's gotta be me. Not you and definitely not Sigyn. It has to be me."

"But-" Thor attempted before Banner continued, "You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive."

"How do we know that you will?" Steve questioned as Banner loomed over the case that held the gauntlet.

"We don't," Banner admitted, "But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like...I was made for this."

"Then it's decided," Tony sighed as he opened the case, "Banner's doing it."

Banner took the gauntlet delicately in his hands as Tony explained, "Now look, everyone Thanos snapped away, you're just bringing them back to today. Don't change anything from the last five years."

"Got it," Hulk said with a nod as everyone prepared themselves for the snap. Withou even thinking about it, I stood in front of Hela and Sigyn, making sure they were wll behind me and safe from whatever blast the snap may cause. I wasn't risking losing them, not now.

"Everybody comes home," Thor said softly as he slipped on the glove. immediately the power began coursing through him with rainbow spindles of light.

"Take it off," Thor is insisted worriedly.

"No wait," Steve countered, "Bruce? Are you okay?"

"Talk to me Banner," Tony demmanded as Hulk writhed fiercely, doing his best to  contain the powe at hand.

"I'm okay," he replied in a strained voice, "I'm okay."

Gripping her wrist, he yelled out in pain before finally bringing his fingers together, In one swift motion, his snap was complete. Just as this occurred, a gust of wind radiated throughout the room before he fell to the floor in a heap.

"That's it?" Hela asked in a disappointed tone as she peered over my shoulder.

"Did it work?" Hulk groaned as Sigyn fled from behind me to tend to his wounds.

She kneeled at his side and examined his arms.

"Please," he begged, "Did it work?"

"Only time will tell," Sigyn sighed as her hands began to glow with gold as she healed Banner's arms of the burns the gauntlet had bestowed.

As I watched, Hela tugged at my shirt sleeve. As I glanced at her, her eyes went wide as immediately ducked behind me. Following her gaze, I looked out the nearest window.

Beyond the glass pane, a giant warship all too familiar to myself, soared through the sky overhead. Alongside the ship, mussels began to deploy, leaving traces of blue flames following after them.

Great. I thought to myself as I pulled Hela close behind me.

"Sigyn," I said, tugging at her shirt and trying to pull her to me.

"One second," she insisted as she continued to work.

"Sigyn!" I snapped, grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her close to me.

"Christ Loki!" she said, stepping away from me, "You didn't-"

"Shut up and look," I demmanded, pulling her back to me and tilting her head up to the skylight over head.

As she spotted the ship and the incoming missles, her eyes grew wide with fear.

"Oh," she said with a nod, "Amazing."

"What are we going to do?" Hela asked fearfully, gripping my arm fiercely.

"No worries," Sigyn said, as the glow in her palms began to burn brighter.

"You can do a shield, can't you?" she asked, glancing between me and the firearms overhead.

"Yes, but I hardly think it'll do any good against four ballistic missles," I said.

"Well," Sigyn sighed as she cast a shield above is, encapsulating us within a golden dome, "Do you have a better idea?"

"Cant say I do," I admitted as I followed her suit, creating another layer to her shield with a steady palm.

"I'm scared," Hela said quietly, her eyes glued to the sky above.

"Don't be," Sigyn said softly, using her free hand to hold Hela's. She gave a calming smile that only a mother could give, telling our daughter that it would all be okay. And Sigyn was right, for Hela and I, everything would be just fine.

But Sigyn's fate was murkier. Sigyn would not be just fine.

Loki and Sigyn, His Glorious PurposeWhere stories live. Discover now