8. Don't Love Anything

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With that, Satoru's heart trembled. This woman was by no means evil; she even had beliefs that many sorcerers lacked. The last person Satoru knew to have such an idea was Suguru Geto. His best friend, who unfortunately turned against humans and massacred them to solve the curse problem.

Satoru cleared his throat again. "Anyway, I know I'm late. I had an emergency."

Y/N turned her head and looked at Satoru's pants with a mischievous smile, like the one innocent kids have, appeared on her lips. Satoru raised one of his eyebrows and followed her gaze with interest.

Y/N held out her hand to Satoru's thigh, lifted a red strand of hair with her finger, and looked at it carefully. Satoru felt warmness in his body. But suddenly, he noticed something. 'Why is my infinity off?' he thought. Is it because of the binding vow we have made? My infinity doesn't work with her because She can't kill me. That must be it.'

Oh, little did Satoru Gojo know that he knew nothing.

"Your emergency was a red-haired woman?" Y/N's words took Satoru out of his mind. He looked at the red strand of hair and then at Y/N's face.

'What an innocent smile ... wtf is happening to me. Compose yourself idiot.'

Y/N let go of red hair strand in the wind and turned her gaze back to the trees, saying: "You know, the legends say that red-haired people are kissed by fire."

Satoru, overwhelmed by the lack of jealousy in Y/N's tone, grinned and said: "So that's why they're so hot in bed?"

Y/N turned her face to Satoru with wide eyes and then burst into laughter.

The sound of Y/N laughter created a pleasant combination with the autumn weather. Satoru said nothing, shrugged, and listened to Y/N's laughter. Like looking at her smile was the most enjoyable thing in the world. Even better than eating sweets, but he wasn't ready to confess that. It was their second day, but it sounded like his soul knew her.

Satoru was slowly getting acquainted with Y/N's ethics. She was no ordinary woman. Many of the complex emotions humans had, which caused jealousy and pessimism, were not defined for her. As an innocent child, she was free from all these destructive emotions.

"What about you? What's your type? I don't mean to shed their blood." Satoru changed the subject again.

Y/N narrowed her eyes again and looked at him angrily. "Man or woman?" she asked.

Satoru raised his eyebrows. "Whichever you prefer~ or maybe both~" He smirked, but in his heart, ridiculously, wished that Y/N was into men.

"Aha, you mean like that? I don't know, I haven't had a choice so far. Blond boys with green eyes look very attractive."

Satoru breathed a sigh of relief without thinking about his bread-lover blond friend with green eyes. She is straight. Now that a smile was on his lips, he looked at his watch and said: "I think we should go."

Y/N nodded, got up, and walked behind Satoru. 'He is so tall!' She tried to stretch in order not to appear diminutive next to him. Satoru saw it out of the corner of his eye, and a slight smile appeared on his lips. 'How on earth was she one of the most wanted murderers on Jujutsu world?'

Y/N was quiet on the way and didn't say a lot in the car. But what caught Satoru's attention was that as long as the taxi was out of town, Y/N was looking out the window with a smile on her face. But, as soon as the cab arrived in the city, her face sank into grief and the smile on her face faded.

'It must be very difficult for her to attract curses and negative energies in addition to seeing them like us.' And just like that, Satoru felt sympathy for Y/N for the first time.

Forget Me Not ( Gojo Satoru x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz