03| Court

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Takeomi and me were now currently heading somewhere and meet someone to discuss who will be my guardian.

I had stayed at the Akashi household for a whole week and to be honest it was really fun and enjoyable. I didn't really want to leave but they said it wasn't possible since I still have relatives out there breathing.

"Are you ready Y/n?", I grip Takeomi's hand tightly while sweating nervously.


Then we enter. It looks like a court. Well, it WAS a court.

I stood still when I saw my parents or more like her parents who were on the side with handcuffs and guards on both their sides with in a fucked up state.

When they noticed me. They glared so hard that they look like they want to murder me so bad.

I hide behind Takeomi as the man carries me in one arm and sits far away from those bastards.

"Don't worry they won't touch a single hair on you when I'm here", Takeomi pats my head.

I didn't notice it right away but my brother was also there clinging like a leech on his witch of a mother.

'Urggh... disgusting..'

Then the judge taps the.. I don't know what its called but.. you know like the hammer and the.. like this..

"Let us know start!"

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"Let us know start!"

"We will be talking about the authority over Y/n Kimura and Jason Kimura", the judge speaks.

"As we all know this 6-year old child has gone through child abuse. By her parents and even her brother, Jason"

I glance at my parents and brother.

'Hah.. Look at those faces.. Grit it too much and your teeth will shatter.. I'll be sure to make your lives miserable..'

"As the brother is also a companion in the abuse of a 6-year old. This 10-year old child shall be kept far away from his sister for 8 years"

•𝙃𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙃𝙊𝙇𝙀• Manjiro Sano X Reader Where stories live. Discover now