Delivery man (modern au)

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It was a bleak and dreary night, I heard the bustling city street down below and the wind blowing against the thin outside walls of my apartment, "not much to go off of..." I muttered to myself, wondering what my mother Beidou might have said If she had heard me talking to myself; I chuckle, and then after some mandatory pen biting and complete silence I stare down at my blank sketchbook, trying to think of something creative for my art assessment.

Loud banging from the door removes me from my concentrated state, I check my phone to receive a notification from DoorDash, telling me that my food was here.
Finally! I thought, mentally fist-pumping the air;
I was so ready for Chick-fil-A and Lofi music! 

I manage to somehow escape my cluttered room full of plushies and blankets and head to the front door without being yelled at by my downstairs neighbor, Zhongli for "being too loud on the floor" while he's trying to read.

I open the door to be met with an aggravated  face;
"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or pay for your food??" The raven-haired male retorted;
"Well someone's rude.." I muttered under my breath,
"Anyways here's ur 20 I guess.. thanks?"
I grab my food from his hands and quickly close the door on his face, slamming it.

"QUIETtTttTtTt" I hear someone yell from downstairs.
I chuckle nervously and yell back, "SORRY" and mentally degrade myself for being so awkward.

A couple of days later and still no ideas, I felt like banging my head against a wall. 
I only have a couple of days left to finish my art assessment and I've worked myself to the brim already!
"You know what fuck this I'm ordering door dash!" I said out loud;

"Man.. I've really gotta stop talking to myself" I muttered.
I opened up my phone and after struggling to type in my password I opened DoorDash and ordered some Ritas.
In the meantime, I waited patiently and tried (but failed) to brainstorm some ideas for my art assessment.

A loud bang interrupted me again, As I shuffled off my bed and made my way through my apartment (quietly ofc), I had this distinct feeling that it could be that raven-haired male from a couple of days ago, but what are the odds of that anyway?
As I opened up the door I was surprised, to say the least, he seemed more tired than the last I saw him and when our eyes met he averted his down on the floor.

"Well, Are you gonna just stand there again?"
I rolled my eyes, "Look I'm not trying to pick fights okay?" I continued, "Maybe you're just not cut out for this job if you just hate everyone?"
He looked at me and grit his teeth, "well maybe you're just not cut out to talk to me anyway" He said snubbingly. As we both stood there glaring at each other, I could tell

We hated each other.

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