2- Answer when it rings

Start from the beginning

His eyes followed the same routine they did last time, flicking up and down the half of my figure he could see. I was wearing a thick cardigan over a slightly flashy brown tank top, but the knitted cardi was wrapped so tightly around me the top underneath hardly showed. My face was different to the last time we'd met, covered in enough makeup to hide the bags under my eyes and imperfections dotted across my expression that were exposed to him that night.

"Following me are you now Mr.Taylor ?" I laughed. Roger shook his head and chuckled a little, sipping his freshly poured coffee and watching my hand as it moved away from my lips.

"Heard that little blonde say the name Adelynn... I knew there's no other girl in London with that name." He added, growing more smug as I nodded in agreement, releasing a cloud of smoke similar to the one of the many that sat between us the last time we'd spoken.

"I can tell you now I didn't expect to see you here." I chuckled slightly. "In fact, I didn't expect to see you anytime soon."

"I knew I would see you again, but I didn't expect to find you in a hidden little coffee shop either." Roger nodded. I could tell my the way his tongue quickly glided between his teeth as he paused and the way in which his tone sounded that he was being serious, not just trying to convince some girl.

"How are you then ? How's the money from the tour ? Saw it was quite successful, only a few weeks you were away too."

"Oh it's marvellous." He laughed, leaning back further into his seat, gently blowing his drink in an attempt to cool it slightly.

"Any luck with Dominique ?"

"Still not too keen on me. We've spoken, but not any conversations I'd want to recall." I once again felt slightly guilty for asking, but there was a very small and unexpected relief when I learnt the french chick still had the title of ex girlfriend. I couldn't quite to tell how he felt about it though, which I think the unmatched sigh he released in comparison to his expression was easy to blame for.

"I don't blame you."

"So... you were right about the papers. They printed every last detail about you and that Tommy fella. Explains the drinks on a Tuesday night." I clicked my tongue and nodded again as the memories of me and my ex came to mind, the story that had been printed in every paper that led me to meeting the drummer.

"Yeahhh... he found a skinnier model. But we were hardly in love, it hadn't been long. A few months I believe." Roger shrugged with a pang on sympathy in his moment, only an inch of the emotion which I doubt he gave purposely.

"No heart break ? No binge eating and watching sad romances...?" Roger chuckled slightly, his eyebrows slightly raised as he sipped from his mug. He'd tried to lighten the mood, which I wouldn't deny him to he unsuccessful at. I laughed a little and shook my head frantically, waiting for him to finish drinking whatever hud mug held until I responded.

"Not when you're a model Taylor. No chance."

"Ahhh how could I forget." He nodded slowly, his eyes catching mine and causing a feeling I couldn't place. I didn't know how the simple look made me feel, I wasn't sure what the feeling even was, but I wanted to move on from it. But he clearly didn't. He liked the way he made me feel. And he liked how easily he could make it happen.

"Silly you." I smiled, still slightly nerved my the feeling, and scared by the power he had to make me feel it.

"Do you know what I do remember from that night though..?" Roger added after a short while. That sentence quickly grasped me from my thoughts about certain feelings, and pulled me into the memories of the night we met. I flicked though each one, each glare and sentence I remembered him saying, until a certain statement lit a small light bulb in my mind.

"I have a feeling what it might be yes."

"That if you saw me again you give me that number of yours that seems to be a little tricky to get a grasp on." I nodded, smiling as he told me the memory I'd fully expected him to mention. His tone was smug, and owned a certain power to it in a way. He and I both knew he was bound to end up with the digits he so desperately seemed to want, and he liked that.

"I did."

"I've always wanted a models number." Roger smirked, watching with amusement as I scribbled down each digit. I didn't like giving him the satisfaction, I knew having my number was something that pleased him far too much, but it was a deal I supposedly promised I'd stick to. And I would be lying if I said I didn't want him to call me.

"It's your lucky day..." I handed him the slip of paper that had my number on, watching him smile with a smugness so easily worn as I sipped my coffee. I was still slightly in disbelief he was even sat opposite me, and now he had the few digits that he'd been after since the moment we'd met.

"Oh don't worry... I'll call you love. In fact, Freddie's planning on having a little celebration at his place next week... I think maybe you should be my plus one."

"Really ?" I scoffed, having to stop my jaw from tumbling open in disbelief. Of all the things he could've said at that glimpse of time, an invite to his frontman's party had possible been the last I'd expected.

"Yeah." There was an almost scary seriousness in his tone as he nodded.

"You barely know me !" I laughed, still not recovered from the shock of being asked. I was right, he didn't even know my fucking address, and the man had only just gotten a number to ring- he couldn't know me.

"What's your middle name ?" Roger asked, the seriousness in his tone still there as I laughed in disbelief. Nothing this man did or said was what you would expect, but like I'd said to him when we first met, he didn't match. Nothing about him was the same, was what it should be. It was a jumble of different elements all squished together that really made up Roger Taylor.

"Mila." I replied, long after the silent pause we shared as I realised he was being serious.

"Adelynn Mila Petrov ? Very Russian." He chuckled.

"What's yours then Mr.Taylor. I expect something awfully British and common. Probably John, or Paul." I smirked, not as well as he could, taking another small sip from my mug that was subtly becoming cooler as our conversation went on.

"Meddows." He replied, watching with a slight amusement as my expression returned shocked. Meddows isn't a name I thought even existed, let alone a rockstars middle one. I could tell it was one he didn't often tell girls, but only because of the slight drop in the tug pulling at his lips.

"Really ?"

"Yep." He nodded, deciding it was best to change the subject before I learnt another factor about him he considered to be embarrassing. "What's in your mug ?"

"Black coffee, one sugar."

"See now I think I've got just enough details about you to ask you to a party." He glanced at his watch, quickly swallowing his final mouthful of whatever drink his mug contained before glancing back up at me.

"Well I disagree."

"Look love, you've been raised in the spotlight. I know more about you than I should... but I've gotta go before I get killed by Fred, so do me a favour and answer the phone when it rings alright ?" He replied, his chair back into the spot it was in before he sat on it, giving me little time to answer his question concerning wether I'd be attending a specific party or not.

"I'll think about it." He nodded, giving me a small wave goodbye before walking out the door, leaving me cheeks red and lips trying to deny a smile.

An- hopefully I'll be updating more often... so hopefully you guys like this book lmao

Thank you so much for reading :)

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