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Liam is in the waiting room

The stroke was serious but not as serious as they thought it was

It calmed down after they injected the IV in her

They then made it and wheeled her in to surgery and that was the last time Liam ever saw her

"Hey where is she?"

It was Sam

"They took her to surgery"

"Oh well I'll go check and I'll be sure to give you updates on her ok, what theater room is she in?"

"Uh I remember them saying 'Theater 0-8' but I'm not sure"

"It's fine I can go check"

And with that Adam left


At the Atlanta City Detention Center

"Hey! Colby?!"

"Yes did you find out that I'm innocent?"

"Better, got you a new cellmate"

"What happened with the last one?"

"Found in security cameras she stares at you while your sleeping and moved her to a private cell where she can stare at the wall"

"Wha- oh my god"

"Allen, get inside and meet your cellmate I don't have time for introductions"

"Whatever and don't touch me"


"Wow what a surprise Ms Carrington Colby"

"Didn't think you'd be my cellmate but to be honest it makes things better than meeting a whole new person"

"So what are you here for?"

"Framed of murder, you?"


"Did you get framed too?"

"Nope, you know this makes things much better especially for my plan"

" actually killed someone!!"

"Well I'd say she deserved it after she stole from me"

"Still not an excuse for you to kill someone!"

"Whatever she stole My Liam"

"Wait Liam as in...DID YOU MURDER MY DAUGHTER?!!"

"Well the last time I saw her was in the gala Blake, Cristal, Adam, Kirby, Sam, Amanda and My Liam were around her while she was laying on the floor bleeding out and those sons of bitches grabbed my precious gun and my arm pretty roughly..aww still hurts"


Alexis jumped on her daughter's murderer and started pulling her hair and hitting her



Alexis was pinning her on the floor as tears streamed down her face she felt guilty that she wasn't with her daughter in those last few moments, she started getting flashback of times they spent together, the time she, Fallon and Sam were planning the engagement party while Fallon was dealing with Connor and Liam, when they played 'hide & seek' with Connor, the talk they had about Adam shoving Alexis in the fire, the first time she held Fallon in her arms, and the last time she did...

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