Violet Is Crying (Sorry)

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     Travis was already in a bad mood when he got home. School had been pretty bad that day. He had completely zoned out during science, and he had no idea what was going on, and he had to do a presentation for history, which downward spiraled into having a panic attack in the bathroom. Not to mention that his dad had been a bit more violent than usual. He was emotionally exhausted and didn't know how much else he could take.

     But of course, when Travis walked in, there was his mom, there to greet him. Travis loved his mom, she was probably the only sane family member he had left. But, he still resented her for some things. Mostly for staying with his father.

     "How was your day sweetie?" She asked kindly.

     "Fine." It was short, and snappy, indicating that he didn't want to talk right now. But regardless, Mrs. Phelps was persistent.

     "Is everything okay? You seem upset."

     "I'm fine mum. Just frustrated."

     "Well what are you frustrated with? I'm sure I can help-"

     "Everything mum!" Travis yelled. "Everything is frustrating. Everything is weird. And I'm sick of it! I'm sick of failing class, I'm sick of having nervous breakdowns every time I have to talk to someone, and I'm sick of dad trying to control me!" Travis let all the anger that had been building up bubble to the surface, and overflow into his words. "And you know what? I'm also sick of you!" Travis' mum had a very concerned look on her face.

     "I'm afraid I don't understand Travis." Travis rolled his eyes.

     "Of course you don't! But you should! Because after all this time, after everything he's done to us, you still stay with him! At any point, you could've left him, gotten a divorce even! And yet you do nothing! Don't you realize how bad it is?" Travis was done. He couldn't even manage another word. His throat felt like someone had cut it. He looked up at his mum, only for him to immediately be hit by a massive amount of guilt.

     Her eyes were filled with unshed tears, she was shaking. Travis should have known better, he shouldn't have let his temper get the best of him, that's when he made his worst mistakes. "Mum, I-"

     "Travis, go to your room." Her voice was barely above a whisper. But Travis could tell that he really did need to leave. So, he ran upstairs, and into his bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind him, he collapsed. He felt horrible. No, worse than that.

     Why did he have to yell at her? He knows that she doesn't like that. And she did nothing wrong in the first place, it was a difficult situation they were both in. His mother wasn't the villain, even if she was, Travis was no better than her. Actually, if that was anything to show for, he was no better than his dad. He let the guilt drown him. He deserved this, didn't he?

     Eventually, he was able to move himself to his bed. Travis stared blankly at the ceiling. He was at a loss for emotions. He had used so many of them today, he was tired. He felt numb. Sometimes, when he was alone, he wished he were numb. Numb to the physical pain his father brought on, numb from the mental pain he experienced every day. But now that he knew what it actually felt like, he hated it.

     He moved without thinking. He got up, unplugging his phone from the charger, and heading downstairs. His mind was grey, not a single thought crossed his mind. But he knew where he was going. When he went downstairs to leave, he heard his mum in the kitchen, but she didn't acknowledge his presence. He pulled on his shoes and left the house.

     He regretted not bringing a jacket as the cold wind flew by, making him shiver, but he just kept walking. He didn't want to be anywhere near his house.

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