Its time for Hogwarts

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As time goes on Harry and Rose have there bond stronger. They do mischiefs as there dad and other marauders. They are the Apple of Everyone's eyes.

Time passes and then its 31st July, 1981. Harry Potter's Birthday. The day he becomes 11 years old. There is a chaos in Potter Manor. Harry is awake from the dawn because of his excitement. As its time to wake up. He wakes up and freshen up and goes directly in Rose's Room. He sees her sleeping peacefully (but as you all know brother's are always histaric and our elder potter have mischief of marauders) he directly jumps on her and screams in her ear
Rose: Go away harry, don't trouble me.
He sits beside her and shakes her.
Harry: Plz pretty plz wake up Rosie.
Rose: Hars plz, OK fine I'm up.
Then she gets up and freshen up and they went downstairs.
While downstairs James, lily were sitting in dining room waiting for their childrens to come downstairs.
Harry: RACE YOU TO DOWNSTAIRS (and he runs away)
Rose: I WILL BEAT YOU TO IT HARS and she also runs downstairs.
They stumble inside kitchen where there parents were sitting having casual talks.
Harry&Rose: Good morning mum,  good morning dad
Jily: Good morning babies and Happy Birthday Harry
And they both kiss them on there forehead.
Then they sits down to have breakfast.
After some time the floo system roars to life and in stumble...........
Moony: Padfoot keep it low they are in kitchen
Mary & marlene only shakes there head.
They comes inside the dining room and sirius tackels Harry in a bear hug
Sirius: Happy Birthday Harry
Remus, Mary and Marlene: Happy Birthday Harry
Harry: Thanks Uncle Paddy, Uncle Remmy,  Aunt Mary, Aunt Marlene (And hugs each and everyone) 
Then an owl flies from the window it has a letter clutched in its beak. It was Harry's Hogwarts Letter

 It was Harry's Hogwarts Letter

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Yes I got my letter woohoo. And both Harry and Rose were jumping around along with padfoot. ( he can be a baby sometimes) 
Then they had there breakfast and then james says
James: So now its time for diagonally
And then they went to the floo network to go to the diagonally
Hello people's I know late very late but you know college, exams, files, assignements and what not.
Guess what I GOT MY OWN HARRY POTTER BOOK SET THIS BIRTHDAY. It was on 11th of April. So thanks to all who read my stories. If you could plz promote it. I will be blessed. See you in next chapter bye bye......

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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