─── ⚝𓄹٠٘ iv. 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆 𝟫¾

Start from the beginning

What happened during her childhood made the almost 13-year-old girl set her defenses up and not bringing it down even by an inch.

The house-elves placed French cuisine infront of them and as they ate with light emotions, Luke decided it was the best time to say their opinion out loud.

"We thought it was the better time for you to attend Hogwarts this year." He said.

It's engrossingly weird how the mere voice of her father made Stella's blood boil to an alarming temperature.

She held the golden fork of her food tightly as Stella replied. "Let me guess, it's because I've learned respect, manners, and decency already?"

She could recall their argument from 2 years ago very clearly. No matter what she did, it was burdened to her mind like a tattoo.

Luke amusingly chuckled. After 3 years his daughter still had the same attitude.

"No, it's because it's best that around your age, you should be getting acquainted with people like us." Celine answered unfalteringly.

Stella had to resist the urge to scoff. "I'm guessing by the term 'people like us' meaning purebloods, right?"

"Indeed." Luke firmly nodded. "You also made your mother and I proud that you only befriended the Zabini girl. I guess you're starting to have taste on picking your friends."

Stella gripped the utensils even tighter and lowering her gaze to the glasses infront of her. She felt like a ticking bomb waiting for itself to explode in anger.

And her parents knew what they were doing to her and she knew her reaction brought them satisfaction. They were manipulating her again and she was falling right into it.

Before she could really do explode, she took another deep breath and excused herself from the dining hall and locking herself in her room.

They want to play this game? Then Stella sure as hell was more than willing to play.

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Stella eventually came home to their prestigious Manor in London, still yet to visit Belle Zabini in theirs.

Her head was too wrapped up on her parent's manipulation plan that she forgot that Collette also graduated from Hogwarts already.

"Colly!" Stella called out her sister and engulfed her in a hug. She didn't know if she had startled Collette but it was odd that she didn't hug Stella back. "I missed you."

"I— miss you too, El." Collette whispered.

Stella could be upset that Collette didn't respond to her letters for a year but she just longed for her sister so much that she decided to forgive and forget.

Collette swallowed in Stella's figure. She looks so beautiful, she thought.

And she was right. Stella Jadeite Rosier was blooming into a beautiful witch. Turning 13 this year, she had developed slight curves in her body, her dark-raven hair was dancing above her hips, her cheeks were naturally tinted pink and her smile that would charm thousands of boys.

To put it in short words, Stella was breath-taking.

"I'll be upstairs resting." Collette slowly walked up the stairs, making sure to smile at her sister once more before disappearing into the dim part of the hall.

Stella's heart ached for Collette. She wished she'd be more opened up about her feelings more, but then again. They were the Rosiers. They knew better than to show their emotions to anyone, and not even themselves.

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