Arianna Emiya Pendragon

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Name: Arianna Emiya Pendragon

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Demi-Servant, Demi-Dragon

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 160

Hair color: Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights

Eye color: Right Eye is Amber Yellow, Left Eye is Emerald Green.


(Her Hair is Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights, and her Right Eye is Amber Yellow while her Left Eye is Emerald Green

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(Her Hair is Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights, and her Right Eye is Amber Yellow while her Left Eye is Emerald Green.)


(Her Hair is Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights, and her Right Eye is Amber Yellow while her Left Eye is Emerald Green

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(Her Hair is Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights, and her Right Eye is Amber Yellow while her Left Eye is Emerald Green. Add a Hood to her Shawl, and Change the Colour Scheme of the Shawl to Blue with Gold Trim, the Colour Scheme of the Gloves and the Boots to Blue with Gold Trim, and the Colour Scheme of the Battle Dress to White and Silver with Gold Trim.)

Armour 1:

(Her Hair is Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights, and her Right Eye is Amber Yellow while her Left Eye is Emerald Green

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(Her Hair is Wheat-Blonde with Copper-Red Highlights, and her Right Eye is Amber Yellow while her Left Eye is Emerald Green.)

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