Chapter 8. (Captains and Tarzan)

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Chapter 8

Jasper walked away until I couldn't see him any longer. And then I was alone with restless thoughts tumbling around my head, like tennis shoes in a dryer.


I didn’t cry. not after he left. I never was much of a crier. I say that but I’ve teared up twice today. So I might have to revisit that opinion of myself at a later date.


at that moment though, I was too busy just trying to figure myself out.


All I kept thinking was Stupid,STUPID ME!


I should have seen this before.


with this new information, memories were transformed. and Moments, words, Jasper and I had shared had been pushed into a new light. I was finally seeing them for what they were.


I met jasper three weeks after they locked me up.


We were in different stations, our parents in different fields. We never crossed paths before. but in the skybox all sorts of stations, and backgrounds meet under one similarity. We had all broken the law.


I met him in the rec room, and I didn’t trust him at first. I thought threat as soon as i saw him.

That's ridiculous right? the cute dork across the room is looking at you, and you think (DANGER)?  

But I was Gemma Kane. My family put these people here.  And lets just say i hadn’t been met with the warmest welcome.


My first day in the rec room, they were cautious they kept their violent outbursts Purely verbal.


the next day not so much, and the many days after only got worse. The guards didn’t care. As long as I didn’t die they would stand back and let it happen.


The day I saw him, glancing over at me so obviously, I had three Bruised ribs, two broken toes,and  a black eye, not to mention various cuts and bruises at random on my body.


He’d never been in there before. I’d never seen him. and so I couldn't know what to expect.

He could fall into one of the two categories I’d found in that place so far.  


THe one’s who hit and the one’s who watch carelessly from the sidelines just letting it happen.


Both were equally despicable in my book.


The violent ones mainly consisted of older kids who knew their fate already and with imminent death looming over them, they needed someone to punish.


I was the best target.


Grounded (The 100 Fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora