Chapter 1

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You look up from your papers to see Draco walking in with his father.

"Draco you won't be needed, I'll see you tomorrow in class, don't forget your textbook like today, oh and eat something ok? You're looking pale and we don't want you fainting."

Draco nods as he runs off, which Lucius was shocked he never saw Draco listen so easily.

"Sorry Mr. Malfoy it seems I'm the student's school mom and have to remind them to eat now." You say politely smiling at him, as you stand up and put your hand out for him to shake it. But he just sits down. Okay then

"This is a waste of my time, if my son isn't doing well in your class you aren't teaching him right," Lucius says and you sigh already knowing you'll end up with a headache later from this conversation.

"Sir I teach astronomy, your son is named after Draco the dragon constellation, like of course he's doing well in my class it's one of his favourite's. But the problem is outside of class. In class he's a pleasure to have, he's very nice and gets along well with the people in his class. It's just I've heard from students that he's not nice to them at all outside of class, I'd like you to talk to him about how calling people slurs and bullying people aren't tolerated in Hogwarts. Draco also says he gets it from his father, so I'd love if you told Draco how you act isn't how he should act thank you." You say and Lucius didn't even move a muscle just kept staring at you

"So you're saying you called me all the way over here to tell me how to raise my son? This is a waste of time I have better things to do than talk with you. Also button up your blouse you have way too many unbuttoned."

"No to talk with him, I get your cane is stuck up your arse like every other rich stuck up pureblood that I talk to, but, calling muggle-borns slurs isn't tolerated in Hogwarts, and Draco doesn't see the problem because you do it, so maybe change your attitude, or Draco will have consequences." You were getting fed up with him gosh how long is this going to go on for?

"Mudbloods should feel beneath him, I don't see the problem," Lucius says and you frown at him and slam your hands on the table

"Do you know who you're talking to? You may not remember me Lucius Malfoy but I sure remember you from school, and in Hogwarts, we don't care about your pureblood beliefs, a student is a student and they are all equal, no one is beneath anyone so tell Draco to not express his views at school." Lucius actually looked shocked he did not remember you in the slightest

"What is your name?" Lucius asks.

"I am y/n l/n and if Draco doesn't stop hurting students and making their days ruined, there will be consequences. I have tried to talk to him but because of you doing whatever you want, Draco thinks it's fine and doesn't understand why it's not ok. So teach him before worse things happen." You say and Lucius looks at you giving out a huff of annoyance as he glares at you

"I won't let a stupid muggleborn like you talk down to me," Lucius says inching closer to your face trying to intimate you which wasn't gonna work at all

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Last time I checked death eaters didn't run the world anymore." You say shocking him with a smirk on your face. You watch as all colour drained from his face from what you said. You knew he was probably wondering how you knew all of this, and he was definitely gonna deny all of it but you weren't gonna let him win

"What on your talking about?" He says trying to seem confused and you chuckle no he is not gonna play dumb on this you will not let him

"Oh you fought me as a death eater in the wizarding war and I ripped your death eater mask off, if you haven't realized I was part of the order, I guess you really did forget me completely, wow kinda hurts all our nice memories of you trying to kill me. Now just tell Draco about not saying that stuff at school, can't stop him at your home but school it's not tolerated, I've talked to many students parents about this and your the last one, now have a nice day and I hope I never have to see you again." Lucius was in shock but was obviously trying to not let it show

You get up and open the door and Lucius grabs his cane and leaves

"Have a nice day sir." You say giving him a passive aggressive smile.

Once he was out of your classroom you just close the door behind him letting out a sigh 'What an arrogant brat, I hope that was the last time I never have to speak with him again.'

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