[100!<3] Who saves you in a zombie apocalypse

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We reached 100 chapters let's go!!

Not rlly an angst chapter by the way!~ Don't worryyyyyy!

Anyways, who saves you from a Zombie Apocalypse?

Aquarius: Fischl
Fischl may not like you a teeny weeny bit, but does that not excuse her to wish death upon you. This is her apology for mocking you in the first place after all.

Pisces: Ganyu
Now, you guys were good friends. Were. You got much more good friends now! Who needs Ganyu? The sleepy head? Pfft. But, now that you think about it.. how she sacrificed herself just for you. Guilt forever eats you alive.

Aries: Ningguang
Now you weren't expecting Ningguang to do this at all. I mean you guys are good friends after all. More like besties. Ningguang would receive a fabulous item? Why not give it to you! She thrown her greediness for money away when she met you. And she would rather die than to see you die in front of her own two eyes.

Taurus: Sucrose
Oh, Sucrose. She was always too kind. Way too kind to be in fact, you guys WERE actually really good friends. Until you realized she was way too shy and not too helpful, like useless.. so you just left her. She would now always help people in need whether she is busy or not. Now, she is helping you in need, but with one cost. Her life.

Gemini: Zhongli
"Who knew this old man could fight?" You joked around him. You guys would always joke around with each other, it's mostly you though. But, Zhongli felt safe around you. He could show his other personality, for what he calls it the "silly" side. He doesn't get to show it a lot. He wants to be preffered a serious man. But, when he met you, all so goofy and silly, he knew he had to join in. But now, hes here. Sacrificing his own life for you. He would rather die than to see you die in front of his eyes anyway.

Cancer: Aether
Aether honestly loved you. But you kept pushing him away, but he still tried and tried. His hope never left him, he still kept going, chasing after your heart, but you would always tell at him for it and tell him to just leave you alone. Now that this apocalypse has started you knew you were going to die. But, Aether refused to see you die with his own two eyes, so he sacrificed himself. Even if you never liked him, he did it for you.

Leo: Venti
Now Venti here, you never even knew him tbh. He just saved you, you really appreciated the fact that a stranger saved you tho. Thanks for giving your life another chance I guess

Virgo: Keqing
Keqing, you actually never liked Keqing. Keqing knew that, but never ever gave up. She thinks it's for the weak. But, she knows you never wanted to be friends with her, but that tiny little faith in her.. never went away. Now, you saw her sacrificed her own life. Just for you.

Libra: Noelle
"As a dutiful maid should." Noelle would do anything for citizens. But she would also do anything for you, she wanted to be your friend, she tried to be your friend! But why push her away? She just wants to be friends. Now, she sacrificed herself.

"Will you be my friend now that I sacrificed my life?"

Scorpio: Xinyan
You both were in a band. It was so trashy, but atleast you both are enjoying yourselves, you both just kept singing and going and going.. Xinyan once said she'll rather die than for you to die first. Guess she was right about that, huh? Now that you see her lifeless body on the floor. That you'll never see her open her eyes again.

Sagittarius: Keaya
Was always such a tease at times, but, sometimes, he just wants to vent at someone. You allowed him to vent at you, to scream at you. You allowed him to do it all. He payed all those back but at one cost, his life.

Capricorn: Jean
Now, Jean was not one to make friends. But I guess to her, your an acception. You were her first ever friend. Yep, first. You guys bonded together,  she showed her other personality with you, she felt free. She could show her silly personality with someone else, finally. So, she sacrificed her own life for you, her thank-you message.

751 words


Who you eat pancakes/waffles with. + Desserts

Now there is more! Take this as a massive thank you message for making me reach 51K reads and for reaching 100 chapters!!

Aquarius: Zhongli

Pisces: Venti

Aries: Xinyan

Taurus: Jean

Gemini: Fischl

Cancer: Mona

Leo: Bennett

Virgo: Noelle

Libra: Ganyu

Scorpio: Sucrose

Sagittarius: Xiao

Capricorn: Amber

807 Words

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