A Reign of Peace

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It was getting easier to be around her family, so he voiced no complaints when Astra informed him that they'd been invited to the two ceremonies. She'd spent months in the company of his infuriating brothers, so Eris figured he could manage a few more hours with the Inner Circle.

An hour before sunset on a brisk evening, Eris made his way to the woods surrounding the Forest House. He walked with his brothers and mother, going earlier than guests were meant to arrive to ensure the area was secure.

Upon their arrival, he saw that Rikoh had already set a permitter of guards, posting them in the trees to maintain a strategic vantage point. "You are supposed to be taking it easy," Eris drawled loudly, feigning displeasure at seeing his captain back to his duties.

Rikoh's lip curled up but fell down as pain flashed in his eyes. Burns marred his face, neck, and hands, all of which hadn't been protected by armor when he'd shielded Astra and Eris with his body from Tidus's erratic energy flares. Rikoh wasn't vain and joked that the blotchy, melted skin made him look far scarier and befitting of his role within their court.

"I don't need another healer," Rikoh leered as he came to stand beside Eris and clap him on the shoulder.

"But you do need more salve," Reed mused, summoning a small canister that kept the pain at bay. "Wouldn't want you in the background of Feyre's latest masterpiece with a pained scowl on your face."

Eris groaned. Astra warned him that her mother had a tendency to paint the emotional moments in her life and witnessing her daughter's mating ceremony would surely invoke such creativity. Reed thought it hilarious and tried to act as a muse for the High Lady during the few times they'd been around each other since the battle. He almost lost his tongue to the Lord of Night's ire when he suggested she paint him naked. Though Eris had come to tolerate his most aggravating brother, he rather liked the idea of Reed's tongue being permanently held.

"What does your white swan think of your fascination with the High Lady's paintings?" Kane asked as a mocking grin broke across his face.

"What swan?" their mother asked, looking between them and not understanding who Kane referred to.

"A Seraphim female has caught Reed's attention, mother," Cormac responded, looking pleased when Reed scowled. Having one's mother know of a relationship, no matter how serious the nature, meant she'd ask about it on every occasion.

"Astra's friend?" their mother expectantly asked, likely already dreaming of having another son happily married.

"It's nothing," Reed said, waving off her budding curiosity.

"So, she's available then?" Kane's grin turned feral. "I saw her gliding down in battle with twin blades drawn. She'd make a fine bride for a General."

Profound silence stretched over the forest and Eris stepped away, not wanting to risk rumpling his scarlet jacket.

"I beg your pardon," Reed too-calmy asked.

Eris took another healthy step away.

"You fucking heard me," Kane provoked.

A fist flew, backed by the imposing strength Reed possessed. He didn't hold back, repeatedly pounding his fist into Kane's face. Based on Kane's booming laughter and the ease with which he tossed Reed off, he'd said it with every intention of forcing Reed to admit he felt something for the girl.

Though Prythian was at peace, there was rarely a day that went by when a small argument or brawl didn't break out amongst the Vanserra brothers. Their father had ensured that it was their nature and instinct to piss each other off and throw threats around as other families did with pleasantries. But Beron had failed to get any of his sons to resort to murdering each other aside from Lucien, a fact which Eris would forever be grateful for. Eris liked to think that Lucien no longer counted anyway since he'd begun telling people that Helion was his father.

A Court of Fire and Starlight (ACOTAR Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora