-Chapter 1-

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*Erwins POV*
I wander down to the cadet cabin. Armin was on my mind and I needed to see his face for even just a moment.
"Commander!" I look over and see Eren. He's with Mikasa, running with Levi behind them. Eren waved with a huge smile on his face.
"Eren pay attention!" Mikasa and Levi both yell. Eren runs into the wall, again. He does everyday.
"Ow, that didn't feel too good. I'm okay!"

Eren pops back up starting his run again. Man I love seeing cadets train. They get stronger each day.
"Commander Erwin?" It was Armin. I got so lost in thought I didn't even notice he was right there. God I'm such an idiot. "Commander"
"Oh yes, sorry Armin. What did you need?" God his blue eyes were so pretty.
"Sir I wanted to let you know I had hurt myself pretty badly yesterday, that's why I'm not training." He looked sad, almost like he wanted to go out and train with his friends.
"Well when your better let Ackerman know. I would also like to speak to you in my office after dinner. I already let the guards know your going to be staying in there with me."
"Yes sir, I'll meet you there after dinner."
"Good, now go rest so you can get your ass back to training."
"Yes sir." He walked off with a limp, heading to the cadets cabin. He's so innocent. His blonde hair looks so soft, I wish I could hold him.

*Armins POV*
I was lost in thought when I heard Eren yelling at Commander Erwin. I figured he'd get mad if I didn't tell him why I wasn't down there training so I ran out and told him. He was being oddly nice but I just played it off as it was because I am hurt. I walked back as fast as I could after Erwin told me to get some rest.

You never wanna piss him off. He'll make you run all of wall Rose if he could. He always had a charm to him though so I guess he's not all big bad wolf. My guess is he's probably a little soft once you get to know him, especially after what he's seen.
After being trapped in my thoughts for a while I went to dinner. It was shit like usual since there isnt much rations anymore but it's all we could get so I wasn't complaining. Erwin had an odd request for after dinner though.

I didn't want to say anything to my friends because I didn't want them to think anything of it. Erwin wanted me to go see him after dinner. Which I find weird because he never allows anyone to his room and he never talks to me unless he's making a command. I mean maybe It's just to talk about Erens ability. I guess that would make more sense since I'm close with Eren.

A little odd though. He told me I was staying there tonight. Ugh so many thoughts, it's starting to give me a headache.
"Armin!" Eren shook me.
"S-sorry I didn't realize I was zoning out." Damn I got too deep in thought again.
"Are you okay?" Mikasa asked.
"Y-yeah, just tired is all." I turned away, feeling my cheeks warm up.
"Are you sure? You've seemed a little shaken up today." Mikasa asks, seeming a little worried.
"Yeah, but I think I'm gonna head out. I'm not feeling too well and need to get some sleep." I stand up and hand my rations to Sasha.
"Alright well we will be there in a little while. Might stay up with Jean and hang out." Eren looks a little worried but I can tell he's brushing it off.

I walk to commander's room, trying to be discreet. Once I get there I knock on the door. Erwin opens the door and welcomes me in with a smile.
"So Armin, I wanted to invite you over tonight because I wanted to talk to you privately." He blushes a little
"Yes sir, what do you need to talk to me about?" I turn away, embarrassed.
"Well I wanted to talk about Erens powers since your close with him and a smart handso-" He stops himself. "I mean a smart handyman. You do really well here, and I think you know more about Erens power than Eren." He looks at me with his pretty blue eyes then stands up to look out his window, almost like there's a beautiful sight to see.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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