Chapter One: Just another day in number land

Start from the beginning

"I am Seven! Am I in heaven?"

He said hoping and looking around.

"Your in number land."

Five said to the brand new number.

"Oh, lucky me."

After that a rainbow suddenly appeared from the dissipating storm and shined down on the Seven blocked number.

Then each of his blocks then magicly changed into one of each of the 7 main colors of the rainbow. Red, Orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet.

And like that wasn't lucky enough there was a magic mirror just a few steps away.

Seven stood in front of it looking at his colorful self feeling super lucky about it as the mirror made a copy of him .

The Seven copy split its self to One and Six making the group complete.

"All of you numberblocks are my friends? "

Seven asked sounding more like a statement rather then a question.

" Mhmmm ! "

Others said in a joyful unison.

For the rest of that day the lucky numberblock sang about all the amazing deeds he can do with his luck, all the bright colors he was and many other things about himself.

And at the end of all that he found out that it was his destiny to bring luck and joy everywhere he gose and share it with all his friends.


As he was skipping along the path he pasted a couple of his numberblock friends.

The first two was eleven and twenty-two. They were practicing for a big foot ball game that was coming up.

The two of them are the biggest football lovers in numberland and this coming game is very important to them.
Neither of them wanted there skills to slip up during the big game so they were doing all they could to be ready to show the numberblocks of numberland what they can do.

They were passing the ball back and forth to each other and doing all kinds of cool tricks with it.

" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, and one more is 11!"

Eleven shouted her cheer happily making twenty-two laugh a little since this was forth time she did it in a row and she wasn't the least bit tired of it.

"Do you ever get tired of that cheer?"

Twenty-two asked in a more curious then rude manner.

"No, not in the slightest. Why you ask?"

"You sing it all the time."

"It's my little song that helps me keep count plus it's juts fun to say."

"Okay I do gotta admit your cheer is kinda catchy. "

"Good Morning Eleven and Twenty-two."

Said Seven waving at them.

" Good mor-"

As Twenty-two started greeting Seven back Eleven passed him the ball and he tripped on it not seeing that she passed it to him. He feel back with a thud and splitted into his Two Eleven duo.


The blue and red football players groaned in unison. The world seeming to spin around them.

The football went flying at Seven. Luckily there was a tree right next to him which he quickly ran behind.

The Luck that's slipping away Where stories live. Discover now