I walk up to EJ and bend down giggling. "Wake up, Speedster" I whisper.

His head pops us and he turns to me, automatically blushing. I like making him blush, he looks cute.

"School's over?"

"Yep" I start to play with his hair making him blush even more. "Come on" I hold out my hand. He takes it and we walk out of the classroom and through the halls hand-in-hand. My face heats up and I can't keep my grin off my face. I think nothing of it and move past it.

We walk outside and see everyone. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask.

"Party at Ashlyn's house! Everyone's invited!" Carlos shouts. Everyone mummers in agreement and smiles.

"Elijah, I'm gonna hang with REd, do you think you could get the house ready?" Ashlyn asks, walking up to us. "Uh, I guess sure" EJ shrugs.

"Thank you, EJ."

"Elijah?" I ask, he looks back at me and sighs laughing. "My real name is Elijah James. Please don't tell anyone, Ricky's the only one outside my family who knows."

"Don't worry, I won't, even if that name makes you cuter" I smile. He blushes and turns away, why am I feeling something for this guy?

"And don't worry about the party, I'll help," I say as soon as she walks away, making him look at me. "You're a lifesaver, Gigi!" He smiles. Great, now I'm the one who's blushing.


Okay, everything's ready for the party, we got snacks and everything, we spend the rest of the time watching a movie. I fell asleep on the couch, when I woke up, I saw EJ covered me with his Duke sweatshirt.

As I woke up, he came back down. "Hey, so you were planning on going to Duke?" I ask.

"I guess, it was my dad's. He gave me that the day I actually passed an algebra test."

I start to realize this pattern with EJ, he only really talks about his dad, like his dad had this huge impact on my life. "Hey, how much does your ad mean to you? You just talk about him alot."

EJ stays silent for a minute, but then he walks over and sits next to me playing with his finger. "I kinda always wanted to be like my dad. He was the biggest role model in my life, he taught me everything I know. My whole life has kinda been mapped out for me since I was a kid, ya know?"

"Not really," I say. "My whole life has pretty much been this whole roller coaster. Sometimes it's freeing, but sometimes it's very stressful. I don't really worry that much about the future because I can't control it, I really try to just pave ahead."

"Well, you seem to what you want."

"Well, what do you want?"

"I don't know" he mumbles dropping his head. I feel so bad for him, he really looked like he had everything figured out, but I guess I should know more than anyone that there is more beneath the surface.

Before I can respond, I hear the doorbell. "We'll continue this later" I playfully punch his chest. He opens the door and the others walk in.

It's a while into the party and we were playing Never Have I Ever.

"Okay, Never Have I Ever liked someone in this room," Lily says.

I hear Nini and Ashlyn snicker. I also see Kourtney roll her eyes at Nini, who does Kourtney like?

The same people from last time take a sip. Gina, Big Red, Carlos, Ashlyn, Seb, Andi, Cyrus, Jack, Walker, TJ, Amber, Ricky, and this time Howie, oh, who does Howie have a crush on?.

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