Yuval Shinkai

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Fandomless OC, maybe gonna use him for a book one day. I'd like to rp with him, but no matter what fandom ,his abilitys aren't going to change.

(Possible Trigger warning!
Mention of cruel siren mythology and eating humans)

General Information

Full Name: Yuval Shinkai

Nickname(s): giant fishman, Kai (come up with more)

Age: 17 (can be played in any age)

Gender: male

Birthday: 01.11

Species: Half human, half siren




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Height: 1, 96 m.

Weight:  94 kg

Skin color:
-shines in different colors

Body type:
-inverted triangle

Specials: -has some scales on the joints-sharp edged flows on the arms and legs(like on his head)-big flipper hands and feet-sharp theeth-can close his nostrils

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-has some scales on the joints
-sharp edged flows on the arms and legs
(like on his head)
-big flipper hands and feet
-sharp theeth
-can close his nostrils

Hair color: very light blue (also shines a little)

Hair Style: waist-length in a loose hair band

-deep blue iris
-yellow sclera
-bright magenta scales instead of eyelashes
-double eyelids to protect from sunlight

- everything that is comfortable and cheap
- probebly just a shirt and pants


Fighting style

Weapons: has no knowledge about weaponary

-can perceive ultrasound and also communicate with it
-his saliva has an extremely paralyzing effect on most living things
-can breath under water
-can swimm very fast (90 km/h)
-he is somewhat smart
-can create illusions with singing and manipulate the senses

-is very slow on land ,kinda clumsy as well
-needs to drink at least 5 ½ liters of water to survive on land or has to keep his skin wet
-even tho he's smart, he doesn't know that much about the world or sciences
-very photosensitive eyes (can't keep his eyes open on land, without clothing one of his eyelids)

Rated 0-20
0 = terrible
1 - 2 = below average
3 - 4 = average
5 - 6 = above average
7 - 8 = talented
9 - 10 = highly gifted
11-15 = supernatural
16-20 = God level

Physical strength: 12

Mental strength: 4

Endurance: 8

Agility: 1 (on land) 7 (in water)

Reflexes: 4

Speed: 1 (on land) 10 (in water)

Strategic: 7

Cooperations: 4

Intelligence: 7

Self-control: 5

Specials trait: 6

Supernatural powers: 7

Overall: 5,5 - 6,75


Family: his unknown human father got killed and eaten by his siren mother

-marine animals, especially dolphins and whales
-would love to make friends with actual people

-not really enemies, but hates violence
-most people are scared of his appearance

- he surely had some crushes, but he can't actually kiss others


He got his first name Yuval from his mother.
However, he fled from her after he noticed that as a siren she was sending people to their deaths (age 10) and seducing his father only to eat him later.
He made friends with the ocean animals and was eventually found by mariners.
Some of them were scared or tried to hunt him (age 14) so he fled again until a friendly sea people took him in and provided him with clothes, food and some money. There he hides from others and protects the village as best he can.

-very kind hearted and a peace lover
-very clever despite his missing education
-very curios
-gets frightened easily
-open minded
-tries to be honest

-doesn't like to talk, because of his sharp theeth
-it is hard for him to find shoes of his size
-somtimes dances in the rain, which looks hilarious, because he's always tripping on his own feet
-he has a crystal clear soprano voice, when he sings

Scent: salty ozean water and seaweed

"That was very rude of you, to just shoot an arrow after me...but I'll forgive you if you apologize"

"I could help you ?"

Other information

-loves stargazing
-ocean animals
-soft moss

-when people are scared of him

-diving, swimming, playing with doblins or whales
-discovering plants

-running away from conflicts

-being lonely
-drying out

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