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"And he showed me to his grandma, so I'm totally screwed!" Chizuru angrily finishes off before taking a handful of crisps.

"See!? That's what I told you. Kazuya like, loves you. For real."

It's been about a week since she and you became 'friends', (under your contract), and since then, she and you became genuine friends. She's currently at your house, eating crisps.

It's the first time she's been to your flat, so she takes a look. The room is a lot cleaner than expected, probably cleaner than hers. The thing that stands out most to her is an electric piano with funny patterns on it.

"Why do you have a piano?" She asks you.

"I'm going to be a pianist." You say.

"Well, are you good at it?" She asks, half teasing.

"Of course I'm good at it. Why would I want to be a pianist in the first place if I'm not?"

"Well, if you're good, why didn't you go to a music university?" She throws a crisp at you playfully, but you somehow manage to eat it.

"I don't have enough money you see." You throw another crisp at her. Who tries to eat it but lands on her nose instead.

"Oh well. Do you know what I want to be?" She asks.

"Of course I know. An actress." You say as-a-matter-of-a-fact, but she's completely surprised.

"What? How'd you know? Are you stalking me or something?" She shouts.

"Oh no, it's just that, you're really good at being 'Mizuhara' in front of your clients, as in your audience, and you have a cute face, so I assumed you would be an actress." You look up the ceiling. "We're both aiming for the moon, huh?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I guess." She's pleasantly surprised that you called her cute. "Oops, look at the time! I should go." She stands up.

"Ok, then, oh wait, here, take this." You hand her a carton of strawberry milk.

"Thanks, well, good night Y/N." And she closes the door.

"Welp, that's another day gone!" You smile a bit before cleaning up.


You, Kibe, and Kuri are waiting for Kazuya at the streets. You're wearing a simple T-shirt and pants.

"Geez, when is he gonna come?" Kibe mutters.

"Mhm." Kuri nods.

"There they are-" You point at Kazuya and Chizuru, who, you have to admit, looks very pretty. Kazuya, on the other hand, his face is all red and has a bit of smug look on his face.

"EHHH? THAT BASTARD HAS A GIRLFRIEND?" Kuri and Kibe both shout.

"Mhm, sure he does. I know her." You say, earning a look from both of them.

"How do you know her?" Kuri asks.

"I'm friends with her, she lives... nearby." You casually say, and waves your hand at Kazuya and Chizuru, the latter waving her hand energetically.

"Hi, boys, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Mizuhara Chizuru." You just nod and takes out 2 cartons of strawberry milk and hand it to them.

"Thanks bro, I was kinda feeling thirsty." Kazuya says before opening up the carton and drinking it in a few second.

Well, yeah, I can see that. You're all sweaty. Chizuru must've had a hard time holding your hand. You smirk a bit.

Kibe and Kuri takes Kazuya away for their 'adult' converstation, and leaves you and Chizuru alone.

"Hey, Y/N," Chizuru speaks up. "How are you friends with Kazuya? You two are completely different! You're calm and unnerving, but he's just really... clumsy, I have to say." She looks at you for a response.

"It's fun being with him. Watch." You say as Kazuya and the rest comes out of the alleyway.

"Oh right, Mizuhara-san, did you hear about Kazuya's ex-girlfriend, Mami? She's a real hottie!" You say playfully, nudging Kazuya's elbow, making Kibe and Kuri snicker.

"O-oh, I mean, ye-yeah she was a hottie- I mean she still is, but uh, right now, uh, I love Chizuru right now of course, I-I think Chizuru is way much hot-" You decide that's enough.

"I'm feeling a bit hot. Let's go to a cafe." You say, and Kazuya enthusiastically nods.


At the cafe, when you are in the bathroom, Chizuru is listening to Kibe and Kuri talk to Kazuya.

"Hey man, how many times did you wank?" Kibe whispers, not wanting Chizuru to hear, but she can hear it all right.

"Three times, heh." Kazuya smirks. Chizuru is pretending to do her phone, but internally she is disgusted. She looks up.

"Uhm, hey, Kibe-san."

"Hm? Yeah, wassup?"

"What do you think of Y/N?" Chizuru abruptly asks. "I mean, he lives nearby me and I think it's good to have a friend-?"

Kibe nods in understanding. "Well, Y/N isn't the normal type of guy, I mean, he's not gay or anything, but he's the only guy that doesn't really care about... you know... Anyhow. That's not important. He likes making friends more. He's really funny and can be really straightforward sometimes, so that's kinda annoying." Kuri chimes in. "And for some reason he always calls people the same age group as him by their first name."

"Ah, speak of the devil!" Kazuya says as you come out of the bathroom.

"Hmm?" You ask. "What, were you guys talking about me?" You look at Chizuru, who softly nods.

"Tsch, what did they say?"

"That you're really straightforward and that gets annoying sometimes." Chizuru throws a playful look at you, abandoning the 'Mizuhara' character for a second.

"Oh well, I guess I do that. Anyways. Done drinking? I saw an arcade." You say, putting your hands in the pocket.


Kuri, Kibe and you're talking and laughing on the way to the arcade, while Kazuya and Chizuru are walking behind them, holding hands. The sweaty hand is kinda getting on her nerve, though.

Chizuru looks at you as you laugh. During the past week, she had a really fun time with Y/N.

She sighs softly, and her hand almost go loose. She doesn't even hear Kazuya whispering something like, 'Must not be recognized'.

She's thinking, of how great it is to have a friend like you.

Hey there! 

Next chapter will probably be Y/N saving Chizuru from the boat instead of Kazuya :D

Just love, no rental! [Male reader x Chizuru]Where stories live. Discover now