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Song for the Chapter: 18- One Direction

~Two Days Prior~ Parker's POV

I walk out of Moe's Coffee Shop and wrap my scarf tighter around my neck. After getting up at five a.m. for my college lecture, let's just say caffeine was much needed.

That, and my best friend owns the place, so knowing alone that the coffee's free is enough to not turn down.

I continue my walk toward the residence hall, enjoying the cold icy wind and small amount of sunlight.

Wow, that makes me sound like a recluse.

I will be honest and say though, that I honestly do enjoy the wintertime. Most people think I like the brutal cold winds because it reflects my "personality". Well, that's just not true.

I like winter because it is frozen. Everything is slow-moving and cold, which then allows you to do things like drink a warm cup of coffee or sit by a fire and read a good book.

It's not all bad, not deep down.

I nod in acknowledgment as one of my professors waves at me and continues his walk on the eroded asphalt sidewalk.

Then suddenly I bump into someone, my hot coffee contents searing whatever was in front of me.

"Ouch!" I hear a feminine voice yell out.

I look's her.

I couldn't forget the face of Holiday Montgomery even if I wanted to.

"Uh, sorry about that. But seriously, you should watch where you are going." I say, looking down at my empty coffee cup, then back up at her.

She stares at me in awe for a moment and then starts laughing hysterically as I frown at her weird reaction.

"Wow, you really haven't changed you huge jerk." Her mouth drops and she looks down at her stained blouse.

Wow, she actually remembered me. Maybe she's not as stupid as I thought she was.

I glance over her for a second, her white blouse, now stained with coffee, definitely (more than before) complements her jeans and tan ankle boots.

"Uh, okay?" I reply, glancing back up at her red hair that almost matches the color of her angered face.

She stares at me for another moment longer and then huffs in frustration. She starts to walk off, tears rising up in her eyes.

Then I stop her. I grab her arm and swivel her body around until she is facing me.

"What do you want? Let me go." She snaps, sniffling to hold back tears.

"Listen, Holiday. about I take your dry cleaning bill." I say, surprising myself for even making the recommendation.

I'm not usually this nice, too anybody.

But Holiday fascinates me, her beautiful body and independent spirit. Plus, I don't know anyone else on campus and just her being in front of me makes me just the smallest bit more comfortable.

She looks at me, baffled. "You'd do that for me?"

I nod slowly. Why did I decide to say that again? It's not like I'm rich or anything in the first place.

"Uh, sure. That would be really nice." She replies, a little confused by my actions.

I suppose no one has ever done that for her before, or she is just used to getting the dry cleaning bill.

I cough to hopefully clear some of the awkwardness.

She glances up at me with her big bright blue eyes, "Would you like to come eat breakfast with me? At a little diner down the street, on tenth."

I frown, "Why would I want to do that?"

She looks taken back, "It was just an offer, you white headed idiot."

I roll my eyes at her attempt to insult my hair.

Yeah, so what. I have white-blonde hair, I was born with it, have to live with the consequences.

That's why I style it everyday. Plus, hey, it really makes my blue eyes stand out.

Oh, ew. I sound like such a girl right now.

I sigh loudly, annoyed, "Fine, but you pay the bill."

She scoffs, "And why do I have to pay? I'm the girl!"

"Don't bring gender roles into this, ginger!" I snort in reply.

She gasps, "Did you just insult my hair, you-you..."

I stare at her, waiting for her "oh so insulting" comeback, which never arrives.

"Whatever." I say, shaking my head. "Let's go."

In silence with both walk towards the diner. I frown in annoyance on the outside, but on the inside I feel for the first time the smallest evidence of a smile.

Haha, those two xD Also, above is a picture of Parker.

Like, baeeeee *_*

Sorry I have taken like 100000 years to update, I have soccer and I am finishing school.

Also, I was thinking maybe making deadlines for myself? Like every Friday or something?

Comment below what you think!

Lana Xx

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