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May/6/20(no COVID btw)

Sockie pov

I'm so excited today bc were going to surprise our big sister in airport it's been so long since we saw her we only get see each other
At facetime

Sabre:hey legends it sabre
Sockie: sockie
naz:and Naz

Sabre: legend you know are big sister
Sockie:of course we talk about her almost everyday
*They laughed*
Naz: today we're going to surprise her in the airport since she's coming back
Biggy:I'm so excited
Slendermum: Norris nuts come down stairs!!
Them:okay mama
Sabre: let's go downstairs legends
Slendermum:okay Norris nuts we're going to the shop bc we're going to give her a present
*At the shop*
Naz: we're here at the shops
*They go inside*
Slendermum: there's a twist
Sockie:oh no
Slender mum:you guys only going to have 1 hour to shop for her
Sabre:oh that's not that bad
Naz:I know
*Slendermum hands them the camera and the money *
Naz:thanks mama
Slender mum:okay time starts now
*They run off*

Norris nuts x big sisterWhere stories live. Discover now