"You sure?" He heard the voice of his father echoed in his mind.

"Yeah dont worry. Sorry for waking you up."

"No problem." They both nodded and walked out.

When the event happened his parents where both at work. The Good think was that their boss thought it was good to let all their employes go home sooner and have a bit more rest lunch. Because they had worked over time for two days in a row. The client had requested a big number of supports that would be used to help maintain a few of his machines. So no one was in a dangerous place or position at the moment, so that could have hurt them. During the transformation, or at the end of it.

When he saw his father transform he did not know the type of pokemon at the time. He was in shock and when his father saw that he had transformed. He did see himself in the mirror before colapsing.

He did not fall incouncious but he did go on his knees. He almost did it too, if it were not for the fact that he had remembered to breath.

He had many times problem to calm himself so he had excersiced them so long that he trained it to the point that he could do it as if it were second nature. It revolved his stomach to see his father change so much so fast. Obviously his cloths did not go in flames. That was a strange by product of his mind.

His mother also transfromed. In a zoroark. At first Juan did not recognize it, but his father showed him the ring finger, he then knew who it was. A other worker had transformed in a machoke.

When the boss came out to adresse everyone, he was shocked. Obviously. He did everyone the rest of the week of to know what is going on. His son was affected by it. He did go depressed on it.

Thinking back. Juan could not imagen that the world would change so much, and at the same time so little. The discrimination and judging thoughts that the people had remained or even was revealed in some cases.

He got up from his pillow and then took his phone to see the hour to see if to stay up or going to sleep again.

August. 19 2020 5:30 hours (24 hrs format my readers)

'It is almost morning' He put down his phone on the night stand and fell down on the bed. He tried to fall asleep for a short while. But the fact that he was already awake after sleeping 7 hours, because of how soon he did go to sleep after yesterday work.

'I will just get up' He took off the blanked. And searched for his cloths for the day. Simple black Jeans, grey shirt, with the writing of "Hardly Working". Everyone of his clients that saw it, wanted to make joke about it.

Being an uber drive had been a blessing on it own. He was of the few that allowed music in his car. As long it wasnt to loud music and to aggressive. He had no problem for some metal songs. But there are songs and then there are songs.

'Okay. I hope there is one that wakes up at the same hour as I do now. SO that I can begin my job today.'

Even if his description said he was available on friday. He had written in it and said that if there was a familiar emergency, he would take it first and for most. Most users understood other no so much.

He walked into the kichen. He took out the milk and noticed that there was just two boxes of milk remaining.

'Will need to go buy more milk later.'

He made himself just some simple coffe with sugar. He knew it he had rested well and did not need the boost. But right now he did want it for the taste. His mother was already boiling some eggs, and had prepared already the sandwich for him that he would eat during his job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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