Chapter 1

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It's ironic. The day I met Loki I wasn't even supposed to come in for my shift that day, it was my day off. Yet, I was called in because they needed all hands on deck. Everyone in the office knew who he was. He was the god of mischief for god sake! But he didn't really amuse me at all initially. I've had my fair share of people like him and he wasn't any different. To some, he was this mischievous, brooding, charismatic, misunderstood person. Especially to Mobius. To me, he was nothing but an immature, attention-seeking individual yearning for people to look at him. Woe is me. Everyone in life goes through some type of trauma, the only difference is some of us know how to act with respect. 

See I lived a very simple life. I lived in a small little house not far from the TVA. Ravonna took me under her wing when I first joined. She taught me so much and helped me do my job much easier. Yet, among all this, I felt something was missing. Like something was needed in my life. But I left that all to nerves. 

I mean I couldn't be missing anything right? I had a perfect life. Close to nothing ever really went wrong. Yeah, there were bumps in the road but nothing someone like myself couldn't handle. 

Now Loki, on the other hand, was an absolute pain. The times he managed to escape were tiresome. I was the one put on Loki watch along with one of my colleagues. I should honestly receive some sort of prize the number of times I got him back in his cell. 

However, one day I made the mistake of striking a conversation with him.

"Prisoner L1130, why won't you just stay put? Is that too much to ask? You're making my job much more difficult. You cannot outsmart me. No matter how smart you think you are."

He let out a loud chuckle and responded "Now, how else would I be able to get your lovely attention? And quite frankly I do have a lot of tricks up my sleeve, many that would succeed past your puny little human brain. I am smart. I know things you couldn't even imagine. Once I manage to get this annoying neck cuff that suppresses my powers." At the while, getting angry at the metal necklace that was tightly pressed on his neck. 

I rolled my eyes and walked right out of the room. Letting the doors shut behind me as I walked out.

Agent Mobius walked right up to me after that. Apparently, he got the clearance with Ramona to take Loki under his wing.

"Mobius are you out of your mind or something? Or in love with this prisoner? He is no one to be trusted. You'd think an agent of your stature would know better! Stop seeing the good in people! Some people won't ever change. And Loki's thousands of years living has proved it. A miracle would truly be needed. Open your eyes, Agent Mobius. 

He replied back, "You don't understand. He could be the key to our problems. We've already used all our resources. And as long as we manage to keep his powers suppressed, we will be good. It's time to think outside of the box now."

As I walked away I said, "Don't say I didn't warn you, Agent Mobius." 

I walked by Lokis cell and his eyes followed with a smile as I passed by. 

Now little did I know after that day, things would get much more intense, and in a way, I would have ever expected. At all. That was the start of when things really started to change in my life... and well you'll find out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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